Instruments show as installed in Kontakt 8, but they are not.

kkatzerr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

I have just installed Komplete 15 Collectors and I have went through the instrument setup.

Many of the new instruments (125 actually) showed as installed, but do not come up in Kontakt.

I have tried reinstalling instruments - no success.

I have tried reinstalling and at times it has me run an installer outside of Native Access and then asks me to "Please insert <product name>." That is just odd.

I have tried uninstalling and then reinstalling - no success.

There is no option to LOCATE.

So… I don't know what I am missing. The process has always been straight-forward.

Anyone know what might be going on here?

Best Answer

  • kkatzerr
    kkatzerr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the clarity. I understand now.

    I have Maschine, but my plans are to use it in an upcoming project so I have not spent time with it yet so I am not familiar with the packs which are associated with it.

    I have accounted for what appeared to be the missing items.

    I appreciate your patience and assistance.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Can you try to reset Kontakt's database?

    Reinitialize the Kontakt Database

    1. Click the Windows start button at the bottom left of your screen.
    2. Type "%localappdata%" and click the option that appears.
    3. Navigate to the Native Instruments folder.
    4. Then, depending on the Kontakt version you are using, delete the following folder:
      Kontakt 5: "Kontakt 5"
      Kontakt 6: "Kontakt"
      Kontakt 7: "Kontakt 7"
      Kontakt 8: "Kontakt 8"
    5. Start Kontakt in standalone mode (not in your DAW).
  • kkatzerr
    kkatzerr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Thanks for your response Jeremy.

    I tried your solution. I deleted the Kontakt 8 folder and opened up Kontakt 8 in stand-alone mode, but it did not change the state of things.

    I appears that the problem is not with Kontakt 8.

    It is Native Access that seems to have the issue.

    Native Access shows many instruments as 'Installed' when they are not and I cannot seem to change its mind.

    I would appreciate any other thoughts you might have as I have no idea what is going on.

    Thanks… Kim

  • kkatzerr
    kkatzerr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I take it you are with Native Instruments, hence the "NI" suffix.

    Do you know if any of your associates might have an idea of what is going on?

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod

    @Jeremy_NI , Kkatzerr were so worried because you do not responded in the weekend where you do not work that he opened a new thread over here which I closed so just making sure that you will be noticing this thread here.

    Native Access shows many instruments as 'Installed' when they are not and I cannot seem to change its mind.

    @kkatzerr , you did not tell what is your OS , but your profile says Windows 11 so I will go with that.

    To try to change Native Access 'mind' about what is installed then try uninstalling it if possible and/or remove files associated with the installation ,

    then run the NI reg tool and remove anything associated with the program library if there.

    Then check installation destination if there are files that needs deletion (e.g. Content) ,

    then if there then remove the product name XML from C:\Program Files\CommonFiles\Native Instruments\Service Center

    then if there then remove the product name JSON from C:\Users\Public\Documents\Native Instruments\installed_products

    then reboot computer.

    That ought to convince the Native Access that product is not installed.

  • kkatzerr
    kkatzerr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    What a strangely passive-aggressive response.

    I replied on Friday. I am sorry that I do not know what Jeremy's work hours are, but that seemed like a proper time to reply.

    And yes, I am worried. I want to get on with things but I am handling an issue that should not exist and I just want to put it behind me and get on with things.

    I will try the second posted solution and see what happens.

  • kkatzerr
    kkatzerr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    So, I meticulously followed the outlined steps. For example:

    Using BEAM as a test case I:
    Opened the NI Reg Tool (there were no BEAM entries to delete).
    Deleted the BEAM folder from Content.
    Deleted the BEAM .xml file from the indicated folder.
    Deleted the .JSON file from the indicated folder.
    Rebooted the computer.
    At this point, the instrument still had an "Uninstall" label on the button. "Mind" not changed apparently.
    It still looks like it thinks it is installed so there must be a missing step(s) in this process.
    Ran UNINSTALL for BEAM from the menu. The label on the button changed to "INSTALL." Encouraging.
    Ran INSTALL for BEAM. NA indicated that the instrument was installed.
    Opened Kontakt 8 in Live but BEAM did not appear in the instrument list or when I performed a search.

    It seems odd to me that from the beginning there were Content entries for these instruments. I installed the instruments one at a time and when I came to each of the 125 instruments in question they already showed as installed. Could that be a clue to something? I am, of course, out of my depth here but I thought that might indicate something to you.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @kkatzerr The product you mention, Beam is not a Kontakt library, it"s a Massive X expansion, it only contains presets fo Massive X. So if you don't find it in Kontakt, it's normal.

    Maybe this article will help: Which Applications do the Komplete Content Products Belong To?

    Do you have confirmed Kontakt libraries missing?

    Do you still have missing products in Native Access please get in touch with our support here:

  • kkatzerr
    kkatzerr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the clarity. I understand now.

    I have Maschine, but my plans are to use it in an upcoming project so I have not spent time with it yet so I am not familiar with the packs which are associated with it.

    I have accounted for what appeared to be the missing items.

    I appreciate your patience and assistance.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Ok, so there are no missing products anymore? No worries, there's a lot of different things in the NI ecosystem and it can be confusing.

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