KOMPLETE 15 - A little confused on upgrade prices and consequences of downgrades

flexoffset Member Posts: 7 Member
edited September 24 in Komplete General

I upgraded from KOMPLETE Standard 14 to KOMPLETE Ultimate 14 last year. Great, no problem.

The other day I upgraded from KOMPLTE 14 Ultimate to KOMPLETE 15 Standard for a price of $199 USD. At the time the upgrade from KOMPLETE 14 Ultimate to KOMPLETE 15 Ultimate was $399 ("my price") and is currently more than I wanted to spend.

Now that I have Komplete 15 Standard, I checked the price to upgrade from KOMPLTE 15 Standard to KOMPLETE 15 Ultimate and it still shows $399. That seems a bit unfair since I already had KOMPLTE 14 Ultimate.

Spending $600 (at some point) to do what would cost $400 seems a bit unsavory. Is this pricing system correct?

My other question is what has downgrading from KOMPLETE Ultimate to KOMPLETE Standard done to the things I already had in KOMPLTE 14 Ultimate?

Frankly, if I'm expected to spend $399 on top of the $199 ($600) to get what costs $399, could I adjust my recent transaction and just go ahead to get 15 Ultimate?


Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,694 Expert
    edited September 24 Answer ✓

    In all cases - the best value is always "Update" (if offered) AND stay at your current "level" with Komplete.

    Moving from Ultimate down to Standard is not a good "level" move but it is salvageable.

    Unfortunately - the NI store will certainly take your money for any combo if you want to hand it over (they do show you all scenarios - usually only one is logical and others make no sense) - but don't expect them to be "fair" in the store - especially after pushing hard on a downgrade situation.

    Like you - I am also a current Komplete 14 Ultimate user. And when it comes time to move up (next summer) - there is only one choice for me - Komplete 15 Ultimate Update. All other options make no sense value wise.

    Now to the "salvageable" part - I think your move here simply gives you two upgrade ramps now - your original path to K15 ULT (from K14 ULT) and a new base license of K 15 STD.

    As far as Komplete 15 Standard goes - the store does not care about K14 ULT - since it is not applicable to this specific base license "level". Komplete only ever goes "up" - in level. Never back or behind or sideways

    The only bizarre thing you could do in a parallel universe (but should not even consider in this one) - is to spend yet another $399 to get to K15 ULT - but you already know that makes no sense.

    If this was me - I would sell the K15 Standard license (when permissible) - get that cash back and put it right back into your K14 ULT→K15 ULT upgrade whenever the mood strikes. Summer of Sound is always your best bet - but that is not until next summer.

    Or reach out to NI sales support and see if they are willing to get you out of this STD license and into your desired upgrade path.

    Good luck.



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,694 Expert
    edited September 24 Answer ✓

    In all cases - the best value is always "Update" (if offered) AND stay at your current "level" with Komplete.

    Moving from Ultimate down to Standard is not a good "level" move but it is salvageable.

    Unfortunately - the NI store will certainly take your money for any combo if you want to hand it over (they do show you all scenarios - usually only one is logical and others make no sense) - but don't expect them to be "fair" in the store - especially after pushing hard on a downgrade situation.

    Like you - I am also a current Komplete 14 Ultimate user. And when it comes time to move up (next summer) - there is only one choice for me - Komplete 15 Ultimate Update. All other options make no sense value wise.

    Now to the "salvageable" part - I think your move here simply gives you two upgrade ramps now - your original path to K15 ULT (from K14 ULT) and a new base license of K 15 STD.

    As far as Komplete 15 Standard goes - the store does not care about K14 ULT - since it is not applicable to this specific base license "level". Komplete only ever goes "up" - in level. Never back or behind or sideways

    The only bizarre thing you could do in a parallel universe (but should not even consider in this one) - is to spend yet another $399 to get to K15 ULT - but you already know that makes no sense.

    If this was me - I would sell the K15 Standard license (when permissible) - get that cash back and put it right back into your K14 ULT→K15 ULT upgrade whenever the mood strikes. Summer of Sound is always your best bet - but that is not until next summer.

    Or reach out to NI sales support and see if they are willing to get you out of this STD license and into your desired upgrade path.

    Good luck.


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