on the origin of non-defeatable surprise GUI parameter automation

ANDREW221231 Member Posts: 347 Pro

this is something that will happen sometimes when using in a daw (reaper) host, some "reset" message gets sent when stopping playback it will set some parameter to a defined value that cannot be changed, now that parameter is possessed to always move back to that spot, doesn't matter what settings you try to turn off on the host side or in reaktor,

i have now at least finally narrowed as a blank program change message sent by the host but seems to be part and parcel with any kind of exotic midi routing going on of any kind

for a solution i have (in the past) resorted to dedicated midi plugins of the "i wasn't asking" type filtering the message to enter, failing that i often end up just deleting the control and making a new one that's not cursed with computer AIDS

i don't understand what makes only certain parameters decide to acquire this state?


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