Bug found with Import of Remix Sets from Traktor Pro 3 into Traktor Pro 4

Claashollwegs Member Posts: 15 Member

Hi fellow Traktor users, hello dear folks at NI,
it seems i found a bug with exporting remix sets from Traktor Pro and then importing them in Traktor Pro 4.
I was able to reproduce this problem multiple times with multiple remix sets.

Here is my scenario:
I exported my remix set from my old DJ MacBoo Pro running Traktor Pro 3 (Build
On the newer MacBook Pro i've installed Traktor 3 (Build 3.11.1 17) and Traktor 4 (just to have both available) and re-imported the remix sets into Traktor 4.
While testing the imported remix sets, i found several loops in remix sets that appear to be corrupted. instead of playing the related loop, i get a very loud and annoying beeeep sound.
All loops have been added to my music folder in the designated folder correctly, i checked!

So i imported the very same exported remix set into Traktor 3 and all the loops play just fine.

Fixing it:
I went through an exhausting procdure of comparing the remix set file by file on the old and the new laptop to identify the exact loop (their names don't match in the list, i had to go throug all of them to track down the correct loop on any given pad). Once i have identified the loop and its corresponding file, i dragged the file again to its correct cell in the remix set and voilá, the loop worked again. in some cases, ALL the corrupted cells in one remix set where fixed, when just "repairing" one single cell/loop, in other cases (i am not done yet since i have about 70 remix sets so far) i had to fix each and every corrupted cell until i was done with one remix set.

MY QUESTION (to Native Instruments Devs?):
Have there been any changes made in the structure of remix sets between Build and Build Build 3.11.1 17 of Traktor 3 that maybe the reason why some of the loops ended up not being available in the sets when importing remix sets in Traktor 4?
Or is this a known issues and (more importantly) there is a way to fix this issue before importing the remix sets into the new version of Traktor?

Looking forward to get some responds.

Beste regards


  • franklooper
    franklooper Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    This is hopefully fixed soon. All my exported mix sets are corrupted.

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