Komplete Kontrol 3 - Slow previews (KBDSW-7936)



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod
    Answer ✓

    FYI, the bug has been filed under the reference KBDSW-7936 and is under investigation.

  • Kirderf-73
    Kirderf-73 Member Posts: 17 Member

    @Jeremy_NI can we create and publish a form here to collect user hw/sw-information, to pinpoint what is common for the users that experience this issue?

    From that collected user information, we may create a report as a next step.

    If you need help we may create this form together.

    CRISPR Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same issue here. I uninstalled the latest version of KK 3.3.3, and installed the 2.9.6 version. The issue is gone with the older version.

  • Richard Parker
    Richard Parker Member Posts: 5 Member

    I'm having this exact same issue. Since I updated to KK v3.3.3 (I was on 2.9.6 before), I'm getting a laggy behaviour when scrolling through presets in my S61 MK2 keyboard. Knobs feel terribly sluggish, and it's even hard to choose a specific preset, because when scrolling through the preset list the scrolling doesn't stop when you stop turning the knob. As it is now, it's completely unusable.

    This problem doesn't show up when browsing presets in Maschine, so I guess it's a KK3 issue.

    I'm using Windows 10 and Komplete Kontrol v3.3.3 inside Ableton 11.

  • Richard Parker
    Richard Parker Member Posts: 5 Member

    BTW…how can I roll back to Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6 from 3.3.3?

  • Richard Parker
    Richard Parker Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2024

    Also, does this happen with the new Kontrol MK3 keyboards too, or is it just an issue with MK2 keyboards?

  • moai
    moai Member Posts: 57 Member

    From what I have tested it seems to be a software issue, it can be reproduced with and without a Komplete Kontrol keyboard. Before you rollback your version, could you please try to open the Komplete Kontrol VST3 and test navigating through the presets using the mouse, and test it again once you rolled back? I'd also appreciate if you can post how many presets you have.

  • Richard Parker
    Richard Parker Member Posts: 5 Member

    Will do that tonight. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the help!

  • cesar386
    cesar386 Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    since a few days i noticed my komplete kontrol previews has delay, i tested kontakt 7 and 8, and both has delay, not hard like komplete kontrol but it's feels laggy too. i'm using windows 11 with a ryzen 7 5700g cpu, komplete kontrol vst3 in fl studio 24, i tested kk in ableton and it has delay also

  • Jo.
    Jo. Member Posts: 35 Advisor

    With KK 3.3.3, I noticed I also had this problem of very, VERY, slow previews when browsing whether in Ableton or in standalone mode. Today, I rolled back to version 3.2.1 and everything is fixed ! I find a smooth and normal browsing back, as on version 2.9.6 and early version on KK 3 (so, before 3.3 update). There are sometimes some slight slowdowns under 3.2.1, but nothing like with 3.3.3 which is almost unusable as it is, for me.

    I think that version 3.3 has a problem, at least with my system. I hope my experience can help the investigation.

    For info, I am on Mac Pro late 2013 / macOs 12.7.5 / Ableton 12

  • musicmanrdu
    musicmanrdu Member Posts: 7 Member

    I am seeing the same thing. Crazy thing is, the browser is much more responsive on my Kontrol S49 than on my Mac M2 using the up and down keys on my keyboard. Go figure. Plus, when I switch between tracks in Studio One Pro 7, it takes a while for the Komplete Kontrol plugin to load on my S49 and in the DAW. Switching between other VSTi's is not an issue. Annoying. Please fix.

  • moai
    moai Member Posts: 57 Member

    You mention here a separate issue I've also been suffering for a while, switching between Komplete Kontrol and other VSTs makes Studio One freeze for some seconds.

  • musicmanrdu
    musicmanrdu Member Posts: 7 Member

    So here' something I've discovered. If you have the synth properties page (GUI) open, it makes a HUGE difference in load times switching between tracks. Probably because it's using more CPU cycles to draw the synth GUI. Quick fix: Close the synth property pages. Only use them when editing synths.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    I just checked this bug using KK 3.3.3 with Ashlight on my Windows PC both in standalone and and in Ableton 11. Very quick transitions between presets either way. I'm on a relatively decent PC, but not state of the art, so I'm guessing this may be related specifically to the Mac or how you have things configured on it.

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