Traktor S4 MK3 jogwheel issue / Sound moving back when scratching ( ! July 2024 issue ! )

Snaily Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hi everyone, I have an issue with my Traktor S4 MK3.

I m using it only for scratching on my production.
Everytime, I'm playing with the jogwheels to scratch (For this reasons, I m using it only in TT mode, if not there's no interest in using a S4 for scratching ), I have my sound which is making a little movement back on it initial position on the jogwheel.
That's truly a nightmare when you are scratching sentences during one minute, cause the cue point start at 12 o'clock, and finish at 9 o'clock for example.

I was with controller editor 2.8.2, I downgrade it to 2.6.2 cause I read old post having the same issue but it was in 2022, and it seems for others it solve the issue, but it's not my case.
And I don't find anywhere another actual solution.

I try with Traktor 3.9 and Traktor 4, exactly the same issue.
My S4 MK3 firmware is up to date and running with the last file available on driver section "TKS4MK3_FWUpdater_130_Mac" (no update from native since 2019)

If anyone still have the same issue, or find an actual solution to this issue, I will be really gratefull, cause I start to be really disappointed, and it will have a bad ending for my lovely S4 mk3 if it continues like that…

Thanks in advance for your futur answer.
Stay safe



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