TP4 bug? with editing hotcues from another computer

saradis Member Posts: 51 Advisor
edited October 22 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Guys, the upgrade is really excellent in every dept, and well worth the wait. I only have one minor annoyance.
I usually do grids cues and prep stuff on my desktop, I have my entire collection in Dropbox, so when I add new tracks on my desktop, I go to gigs and just import music folders in the laptop and add the new songs in playlists, with their cues and grid already set and stored in the mp3 tag. This works great with TP4 for new files on both desktop and macbook.
What DOESN'T work, is, if I revisit a file and change a hotcue in one of the two computers, the changes don't come up when I load the updated file on the other computer, and the file has the same cues as before the change, while every other traditional tag change (like setting a new album title) is transferred between them after editing. It's like the cues and grid is only stored in the collection after the first time the file is imported. Before you ask, of course I have set both traktors to write all tags.
This has only happened once more in the past, if i recall during the 3.5 update, where cues set on my 3.x version on my desktop didn't show up in 3.5x version on my latptop, and of course it was resolved by having both programs updated to the same version, since probably the traktor proprietary stuff was written in a new manner in the mp3 tag.
I don't see a reason for it happening since both computers are 4.0.0 and since the cues and grids do migrate fully the first time.

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