Velocity issues with Keyboard Komplete Kontrol M32

solyarisoftware Member Posts: 6 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


I'm experiencing velocity issues with my Komplete Kontrol M32 keyboard.

The problem is that the velocity sensitivity is "biased" towards the extremes: if I play softly, the MIDI note velocity is very low (e.g., below 10), and if I play hard, the velocity easily exceeds 110.

It seems like the keyboard's velocity range is reduced.

Has anyone experienced the same issue or found a solution?

By the way, I am unable to check the current firmware version because the firmware updater does not recognize my keyboard. See the attached screenshots.

Any ideas?



Best Answer


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,232 mod


    have you tried this stuff? And also have a look into windows device manager.

    My Native Instruments Hardware Device is Not Recognized – Native Instruments (

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    Was the behaviour different before?

    Is it happening in Komplete Kontrol in standalone? In your DAW? Both?

    Have you tried these steps? My Komplete Kontrol Keyboard Does Not Start

  • solyarisoftware
    solyarisoftware Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks, Jeremy and everyone,

    It seems to me that the keyboard has always behaved the same way.

    I want to point out that I installed Komplete Kontrol, which recognizes the M32 but doesn’t provide any information about the firmware release.

    I contacted the NI support, but unfortunately, they gave me generic and not very useful troubleshooting actions.

    I use the M32 with my very affordable DAW, REAPER, on Windows 10.

    By the way, yesterday I used the ShowMIDI utility (on github: gbevin/ShowMIDI), which is an excellent MIDI data logger, to debug note on/off messages. My tests confirmed my hypothesis:

    The M32, as expected, seems to exhibit a sort of non-linear "hysteresis." In short, the velocity response doesn’t seem very linear with finger pressure. While this might be typical for an entry-level mini keyboard, it poses an issue with some VST libraries that are velocity-sensitive.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the update. While checking this, were you able to reach a velocity of 127? If not that could be a hardware failure. If you manage to get 127 and it's only an issue of the velocity curve, unfortunately there are no other velocity settings on the M32.

  • solyarisoftware
    solyarisoftware Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks. yes I confirm that I reach the velocity of 127.
    Of course as you said, a velocity curve "middleware" elaboration could help.

  • AndreKara
    AndreKara Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm having this same issue with my Komplete Kontrol S61. This is super recent too. I'm wondering if it was after the last Komplete Kontrol update in Native Access? I may have accidentally updated to that even with an incompatible keyboard as they are only updating the new MK III. It would be nice if I could easily downgrade to a version that works correctly like 3.2.0. Anyone know how I might try and see if that resolves the issue?


  • AndreKara
    AndreKara Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I was messing around in the app Native Instruments Controller Editor and found that if I went to the Assign page and set my Velocity to "Soft 2" (In the drop down menu) My keyboard works a bit more like expected. This is by no means a perfect solution but it may help out :)

    Try out the different settings with a daw open or something that lets you visually see your midi input, and then pick the one that matches your expected behaviour from the keyboard when it was linear.

  • solyarisoftware
    solyarisoftware Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks, AndreKara.

    You have a slightly different problem, I guess, but I thank you because you reminded me of a related issue I have that’s even worse: when running the latest Controller Editor version 2.8.2, the program does NOT recognize the M32 in the device list.

    So if the Controller Editor could recognize the Komplete Kontrol M32, I could try to set the velocity curve as you thankfully showed in your screenshot! But I can't because the Controller Editor does NOT list my keyboard. :(

  • solyarisoftware
    solyarisoftware Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    The screenshot shows the device list where KOMPLETE KONTROL M32 is missing.

  • solyarisoftware
    solyarisoftware Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Thanks, Monochrome.

    That's weird in terms of software design (in my opinion), but never mind. When I run Komplete Kontrol, the program does recognize my M32. Nevertheless, in the MIDI assignment editor, I can't modify the velocity curve or even check the firmware version.

    So this doesn't solve the issue I raised.

    Thanks anyway for your info.


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