Questions about Stems files in Traktor Pro 4

DJBite Member Posts: 17 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I am excited about the new Traktor Pro 4, but have a couple of questions/doubts about the stems feature.

I understand it is not "real-time" stem separation as Serato uses. It's a pity, but I can live with that. However, I also understand it saves the created stems file as a separate file. I like to know the following, please:

Will the stems files be the same quality? If the file is 320kbps Mp3, will it stay 320kbps Mp3, if it is a Flac file, will it stay a (unencrypted) flac file?

Also; how large is this stems file, compared to the original file?

Let's say the original file if 5 MB in size. is the Stems file larger (since it contains more data) or the same size or perhaps smaller? Please let me/us know how the size (percentage wise) will be compared to the actual file. i.e. that file being 20% larger will make the file 6 MB or something like that.

I feel this is quite important to know, in case I decide to create stems of my thousands of tracks, so I do not run out of disk space quite fast.

Thank you for the answers!


DJ Bite



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