NKS Development Discussion



  • Home Studio
    Home Studio Member Posts: 71 Member

    no way that Kontakt will be "working" alone with MKI & MHII keys

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 448 Guru

    It's an entirely different tech stack for MK3. I'm disappointed too, but sometimes, you have to bite the bullet to move the Standard forward. @EvilDragon Has posted some good insights on the VI Control forum, which is worth reading.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 268 Advisor

    Interesting to know. I will definitely explore that. I am still using Kontakt 6 myself so won't be migrating for now. I am still intrigued to see how they evolve the platform though.

    Maybe some amazing tech geek will develop a new script, as I am sure it is a feasible task. Just dreaming of course.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited September 2023

    Yeah that would be nice but my main aim has always been to push NI into providing the tools to the masses and opening it all up. NKS 2 looks a bit too complicated for that now and at the moment I think will be firmly in the hands of developers (being based in Kontakt scripting) but I think NKS 1 will have to remain because that is basically built on the foundation of live mapping of plugins within the KK environment so they can't remove it without making it impossible for someone to just map a few plugin knobs to KK knobs and then save that as a NKS patch. So I think we have a stronger case now for NI to make the tools to create NKS 1 more open, while they can keep the NKS 2 stuff more with NKS partners (we can however hack the graphics to make NKS 1 look better in the new screens - I've already worked that part out).

  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    @JesterMgee You've frequently said you'll probably be closing up shop soon. I'm a happy customer of yours, and while I'd hate to see you shut down, I also think you need to do what's best for you and your life. However, I wonder what you're going to do with the presets you've already made? It'd be ashame to see all that work just disappear down the memory hole. For blind people at least, your work is a resource that provides access to instruments we otherwise wouldn't be able to use. Will you at least keep the site up, or donate the presets to the NKS User library?

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 2,882 Expert

    I am not closing any time soon, it 100% depends on if the income covers costs, that is literally how realistic it is and in the last few months times have been very tough on my end.

    I have my webspace covered for another year so even if I simply stop it is still available for that time. I always stress people need to maintain backups because if I were to simply die then it would disappear anyway so can never rely on it forever.

    Reality in my case is I have lost the paid work I have been doing for the last few years that afforded me time to do what I do and manage this project. Current times have hit a lot of businesses hard and the guy I have been working for just isn't making money at the moment so had to put me off for a while (indefinitely) so I have no income at the moment and need to look into a more stable income before things get serious. I fear with a full time job I just will not have time to develop more NKS, just maintain what I have.

    If the new MK3 really takes off and a new influx of users boosts things then that may just keep things going longer but fact is I need a stable source of income because NKS libraries just don't cover the insane rising cost of this world. So to answer your question honestly, no idea I am afraid.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited September 2023

    Just made a template for the new free wavetable/Percussive synth from Toybox - Thump One (I presume Thump Two will be the more full featured non free version coming-out at some point, but this one is still pretty specced and fun to play with)

    I have tried to make the template forwards compatible with NKS2 and the MkIII keyboards by including the higher res graphics resources needed by the Mk III keyboards (obviously these won't show on the Mk II or current version of KK) - all patches tagged with previews

    It's in the NKS User Library/current/Toybox folder

    Just improved the logos to be closer to the synth so if you have downloaded please do so again

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 165 Advisor

    Toybox is cool. I bought their Reaktor stuff and it all was NKS.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod
    edited September 2023

    Yeah afaik anything that is installed via Native Access has to be NKS ready but it seemed appropriate to complete the set :)

  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Has anybody done Lector by Waldorph? It's on sale right now and looks pretty cool.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,628 mod

    Does it not come as NKS already? - the other Waldorf plugins do (although they only work with the VST2 versions)

  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    I don't know. If so, they don't mention it anywhere.

  • jakx92
    jakx92 Member Posts: 32 Member

    Thanks for doing these. It's always nice to have new free toys.

  • overlord25
    overlord25 Member Posts: 20 Member

    Hi, Just curious as to how these differ from the pre-existing official Rob Papen NKS support for the instrument?

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,772 mod
    edited September 2023

    These are for the VST3 version. The official Rob Papen NKS are working only for the VST2 version.

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