External hardware midi sequencer is glitching the M+ out when REC is enabled

FlouncingFleasbag Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi everyone,

Back again for more of the same.

I'm using a Polyend Tracker as the master sequencer for all my gear.

I've got everything running well and as it seems it should on the Maschine+ only for one issue.

I think the best way to explain this is thru an illustration:

I have Group B set to receive MIDI channel 2

and the Tracker is properly sequencing the pads on Group B, yay!

However, if I am trying to REC into, say, Group E the screen on the Maschine glitches and jump to Group B and starts recording the notes the Tracker is sequencing via MIDI

I can occasionally force the M+ back to Group E by pressing the Group E button but its spotty and all the while midi is being recorded into Group B.


As you would imagine I've changed whatever MIDI settings can be changed on Group B in an attempt to trouble shoot this issue but have yet to be successful.

It seems obvious that the M+ is glitching back to Group B because of the notes being triggered by The Tracker - what setting am I overlooking?

There's been some cool, unintended results but I'd prefer to live my Maschine life more cleanly. In the case of the example I've given I don't want the Maschine to record anything into Group B, I'd like it to operate as a sound module in that instance.

I realize I'm asking a series of questions whose answers can be found without assistance and that may be off putting to some of you- but there's a lot going on in this box and being pointed in the right direction.


Best Answer


  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 454 Guru

    maschine can act as a sequencer. No problem. You can use it like a sound module. Again; no problem. Using it as a sequencer and a sound module at the same time is a problem.

    You might be able to reorganize your project to do what you want if you can do it all in the same group, but it's just not designed for what you're doing. Record the sequence coming out of the tracker as audio or midi, and then disable the midi input.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,908 Expert
    Answer ✓

    This is a known annoying limitation of Maschine. I couldn’t believe it at first and had to do some experiments to verify. See this thread here:

  • FlouncingFleasbag
    FlouncingFleasbag Member Posts: 12 Member

    @darkwaves @ozon

    Thank you both for the reply! - you've saved me hours of frustrationed trial and error/ reading online, much appreciated .

    Ah well, nothing is perfect and I'm relieved that my particular unit isn't buggy. I have already come up with a coupla workarounds for recording what I'd like to record. Nothing revolutionary, just disabling MIDI receive on the M+ and turning it back on again. The Tracker has by far my favorite sequencing workflow and capabilities so I'm willing to die on that hill and make it work come hell or high water.

    Not sure if we would call this a bug, but whatever we call it -Would this also be why I was having trouble getting the external sampling/looping to sync properly? or can that also be difficult? I did get it work but it was with some goofy finger work (and thanking god my music is not the type to need to be air tight in most cases.) I guess I need to try to sample/loop without the midi again - I don't recall noticing an issue previously but I've been up to my elbows implementation of my old workflow/boxes with the M+.

    The last thing I was struggling with is automation in this case - but I just need to revisit it because I think I was straddling multiple workaround tries.

    All and all- The Maschine is still doing the things I really wanted it do and doing them well. the more I familiarize myself with the logic of this box the more I like it.

    Thanks again- looking forward to being well versed enough with Maschine to help others put in the future. Cheers

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 347 Member

    I agree with Dark Waves.

    Why are you use external Sequencer for Device like M+ . I am asking because I know it's not necessary but I understand you and you can buy and use clock control a very precise newer device. There are older devices but they are big for the Guitar FX rack. And controlling 3 or 4 Hardware Devices is enough if you use M+ which actually don't need anything else but it is capable.

    Watch please you don't need to listen but if you see feel free to ask me and will explain everything but I don't want to be annoying sharing with everyone because I can't help if you don't want, need help.

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