How to Make D2 Stems on Screen Show Full Wave form colors?



  • AlluringSkull
    AlluringSkull Member Posts: 45 Member

    I may have to try and apply your code to the Supreme Mod. I went through every option for the displays and still couldnt get the stem wav forms to change colors. Getting closer thought!

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,097 mod

    Supreme Mod doesn't have the option for the stems. I had to code it in myself. You can make it so that the stems have the same waveform colouring as the track deck.

    '…\Resources64\qml\Screens\Shared\Widgets\Waveform\Stems.qml', line 28:

    change this:

    waveformColors: colors.getStemWaveformColors(stemColor.value, waveformColor.value )

    to this:

    waveformColors: colors.getDefaultWaveformColors(waveformColor.value)
  • AlluringSkull
    AlluringSkull Member Posts: 45 Member

    Your the man! That was a big improvement and I am "buying you a coffee" The individual wave forms now are multi color but the colors themself are still off. Looks like maybe my Red and blue are reversed?

    Wonder if adjusting the "DefaultWaveformColors" where ever they are in the files will improve it?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,097 mod

    Best you select the colour 'Nexus' instead of 'Customize'. There is a txt file somewhere in the folders where you can set your preferred FX for the instantFX performance mode. In the same file you can define RGB for the custom colour you selected in your picture.

  • AlluringSkull
    AlluringSkull Member Posts: 45 Member

    Been really enjoying my D2's thanks to this mod and your help. Only real hang up I still have is not being able to see the genre of a song while im in the browser. I am able to sort my playlist by genre but not display the genre on the D2's. Is there a way to add browser fields to the D2?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,097 mod
  • AlluringSkull
    AlluringSkull Member Posts: 45 Member

    Damn ill have to rethink how I organize my music. Im wondering if you could shed some light on the fuzzy key setting. Looking at the code it looks like its designed to auto adjust a tracks pitch upon loading it to match the master key. Am I correct in that?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,097 mod

    That's how i understand it, glancing at the code. But i am not entirely sure.

  • AlluringSkull
    AlluringSkull Member Posts: 45 Member

    Hello again sir, wondering if you could shed some light on how this line of code applies to the wave form colors on the S8/D2.

    property variant waveformColorsMap: 
    [// Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus 2 Style{ 
    low1:  rgba (200,   0,   0, 125),  low2:  rgba (200, 100,   0, 250), 
    mid1:  rgba ( 60, 110, 240, 125),  mid2:  rgba ( 80, 145, 240, 250),  
    high1: rgba ( 92, 200, 240, 150),  high2: rgba (115, 250, 250, 250) },

    How does the 1 and 2 percentages of the high mid low RGBA values combine to give the color on the displace?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,097 mod

    For example: if you take high1 then r=92, b=200, b=240. values range from 0-255, a is the alpha of the layer, with 255 being completely opaque and 0 being completely transparent.

    The colours can be checked here:

    Just enter the r g b values in the field and you will see the full colour result, without alpha.

    low1 and low2, mid1 and mid2, high1 and high2 all correspond to certain frequency bands. If you have a set of production samples with singular frequencies, you can load those samples in Traktor and check the waveform produced by the s8 screen for a precise frequency range of each band.

    For a standard waveform (not for the stems), traktor chooses the first entry in the waveformColorsMap, previously simply tagged 'default' in the comment line.

    If you insert the code you reprinted slightly wrong, you will get an error.

    Correctly, it must look like this, or the comment (the section not being read) will include the '{' symbol.

    property variant waveformColorsMap: [
    // Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus 2 Style
    { low1:  rgba (200,   0,   0, 125),  low2:  rgba (200, 100,   0, 250), mid1:  rgba ( 60, 110, 240, 125),  mid2:  rgba ( 80, 145, 240, 250),  high1: rgba ( 92, 200, 240, 150),  high2: rgba (115, 250, 250, 250) },

    This is only the beginning of the array and it's not complete without the rest below in the containing file.

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