Tool to edit/tag/fix Traktor collections

Didier Malenfant
Didier Malenfant Member Posts: 36 Helper
edited January 14 in Traktor Software & Hardware

I'm posting this here in case someone finds it useful or wants to contribute.

I've written a command line tool named to edit/tag/fix Traktor collections. The readme can explain more as to what it can do.

More importantly, this is also a pure Python module which means it can easily be used to write scripts that automate collection workflows or any kind of tedious tasks.

This is currently in a "works fine on my machine" state but I welcome offers to help test it (keep backups!) some more. I'm on macOS but it shouldn't be that hard to make it work on Windows too (PR submissions are welcome!).


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Nifty. Thanks for sharing.

  • cassidy
    cassidy Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    sweet. thanks, bud.


  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    Hoi @Didier Malenfant

    I'm not super into python, but wanted to build something that can automatically add .m3u playlists to the collection.nml

    Would that be possible with this module?

    Do I need to load the collection, then from the .m3u name find the Track, build a TrackList and from that a new Playlist?

  • Didier Malenfant
    Didier Malenfant Member Posts: 36 Helper

    Tracklist is more of an internal type (I should find some naming convention to make that clearer).

    Playlists are what you want but currently they are not editable. I need to add this functionality so that you can create and populate new playlists and folders. Once that's done you will be able to plug the output of the m3u8 module into creating the playlists you need.

    I'll ping back here once I have the new functionality. I also have parsing of stripe data now which will be in the next release.

    Don't hesitate to ask questions on the project pages on codeberg if you hit any issues.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    That sounds lovely. Thank you for the quick answer.

    That said, I could not wait and have implemented it in xml.etree.ElementTree :))) But for sure will be more clean with your module, and will rewrite it once you are done. But no need to rush.

    I currently have a collection of small scripts that help me to:

    • Read collection and export playlists as .m3u (And make path relative)
    • Copy playlists to media server (Jellyfin) where i can use the playlists from my phone
    • Favorite tracks on phone, download the new favorites list via jellyfin API into a .m3u
    • And now import those .m3u into Traktor again

    Can TraktorBuddy by any chance read / create smart playlists?

  • Didier Malenfant
    Didier Malenfant Member Posts: 36 Helper

    Can TraktorBuddy by any chance read / create smart playlists?

    No but that could be added. Import and export for m3u would be nice if you want to provide a PR for that :)

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    You would need to coach me quite a bit, my python game is weak.

    But I can take a look at it. I will also share my scripts, maybe they can inspire someone.

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