How to fix if there are two versions of Reaktor installed?

highmarcs Member Posts: 1 Member
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

I have the latest version of Reaktor installed on my machine via Native Access. That version is 6.4.3 and it works in standalone mode just fine.

However, when I launch Reaktor in any of my DAWS, the info says I'm running version 6.3.2.

I believe this is what is causing my error popups when trying to load Prism.

So... somehow I guess I have like two different versions of Reaktor on my system? However, when I check apps in WIndows, there is only ONE Reaktor showing. I've uninstalled that instance of Reaktor that shows up in my installed apps list, and yet sure enough, Reaktor 6.3.2 still loads (inside my DAWS).

I assume I need to delete version 6.3.2, but how do I do that when I can't find it listed as an installed app anywhere on my machine?

How come simply installing the latest version of Reaktor does not take care of and overwrite the older version and all of its associated files?

I've been trying everything I can think of to fix this for FOUR DAYS and nothing I do helps.

What can I do?


Best Answer

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin
    Answer ✓

    Update on behalf of the OP: The solution is to do a search of System/C drive for "Reaktor 6.dll". If two versions come up, delete one and then do a rescan on a DAW.


  • Peran
    Peran Member Posts: 6 Member

    It seems to me your DAW's VSTPLUGINS folder contains an older version of Reaktor (I'm assuming you're on Windows, but something similar would apply on other platforms). My guess is that when you updated Reaktor, the installer didn't use the right VSTPLUGINS folder - maybe because of a bug in the installer, maybe you pointed it to the wrong folder when/if it asked.

    If my guess is correct, check which folder your DAW expects to find the plugin in, and then reinstall the latest Reaktor, making sure the plugin version is installed to that folder.

    I'm sorry that this is all guesswork, but you don't give much information about what you have done so far, so I thought I'd just chime in with what seems to be the most probably cause and solution.

  • Peran
    Peran Member Posts: 6 Member

    Oh, and bonus information (since I haven' been able to figure out how to edit a previous post): On my Windows machines, Reaktor only installs as a VST2 plugin (as opposed to VST3), so most other Native Instruments plugins may very well be working perfectly (because they're VST3 plugins), but if the folder you told Native Access to install VST2 plugins to is different from the one your DAW is expecting... you get the point.

    I just added this because it may seem strange that Native Access may install other plugins just fine, but there's a logical reason - Reaktor only comes as a VST2 plugin.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,922 admin
    Answer ✓

    Update on behalf of the OP: The solution is to do a search of System/C drive for "Reaktor 6.dll". If two versions come up, delete one and then do a rescan on a DAW.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,334 mod

    Most possibly you didn't configure Native Access correctly and it can not found your real VST folder. In that case it installs the VST .dll's into the Native Instruments main folder, in Program Files. Check there.

    If nothing is there, go to your registry at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Reaktor 6, and check the value InstallVST64Dir, what it says (what folder). Then go in this folder and move the Reaktor.dll and ReaktorFX.dll in your real VST folder.

    In case that none of those options works (including the solution by Kaiwan_NI) then just delete the wrong .dll's and reinstall the software.

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