Reaktor 6: How do I debug Metaphysical Function



  • drb
    drb Member Posts: 5 Member
    Answer ✓

    This is an old ensemble that does use event loops. You turned off event loops, so it is complaining about the event loops that it is not allowed to run.

    Just tried on M1 Macbook Pro Mac OS 14.5 (latest) Reaktor 6.5.0



  • dschiller
    dschiller Member Posts: 15 Member
    Answer ✓

    Yes, i believe that is the issue you have @DanielW, disabled Event Loops. To enable them open Reaktor and Preferences (Cmd + , (Comma)) and untick (disable) Globally disable event loops.

  • DanielW
    DanielW Member Posts: 15 Newcomer

    Yes, that’s it! Earlier in the thread someone told me to disable event loops, but as they were already disabled, I thought the problem lay elsewhere.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,777 mod

    No, it doesn't hurt of course! It's your time and you can waste it in anyway you like… 😀

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,777 mod
    edited June 6

    So, the problem was the opposite from what i suspected, because he had the Event Loops already disabled (which is not the default setting)!

    Thus it was impossible to guess it, but you did! Good catch, well done.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 4,631 mod

    That's very weird because the error message says 'an event loop occured' so you would think naturally disabling them would have fixed it, not the opposite - maybe this is another example of Reaktor's often not useful error reporting?

  • dschiller
    dschiller Member Posts: 15 Member

    Hi @Kymeia,

    It notifies you that the Ensemble is working with Event Loops, and because the Event Loops are disabled, this is important information. Otherwise, the user would not know why Metaphysical is not working properly.

  • dschiller
    dschiller Member Posts: 15 Member

    No, it doesn't hurt of course! It's your time and you can waste it in anyway you like… 😀

    On my machine reinstalling Reaktor took 25 seconds, not much wasted, but i totally understand your point.

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 630 Advisor

    Have you identified the loop in edit mode?

  • dschiller
    dschiller Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 22

    Hey @Studiowaves if with loop you mean the modal Dialog Boxes Event-Loop occured in Module, those have nothing to do with the Edit mode. These messages appear no matter if Edit mode is enabled or disabled.

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 630 Advisor

    I'm not talking about the errors, I'm talking about going into edit mode to see the structure of the ensemble. In general, if there are loops in the ensemble that aren't properly coded, the debugger highlights the loop. Most feedback loops in reactor use the Z-1 module to allow feedback. You might have to go in there and look around for a highlighted event loop. If you find that then break the loop by disconnecting something just to see if the errors go away. Then hook it back up and post a screenshot of the highlighted loop for us to look at.

  • dschiller
    dschiller Member Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 23

    Why should we do that ? The issue Daniel describes can be fixed by enabling Event loops in Reaktor6, which is the default.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 2,777 mod

    "Why should we do that ?"

    Well… out of curiosity perhaps? …to see the structure? …to cannibalize some delicious module part for your own works? …there are many reasons (but of course no one has to do with Daniel's issue)…
    …aren't those the real reason that we love Reaktor? 😉

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