Full Symphony Series included in Collector's edition?

AllanDalgren Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I am thinking about upgrading to collector's edition, but one of the things that is keeping me from upgrading is that it's unclear whether the full symphony series is included. On their website when you go to collector's and then read the text about the orchestral and cinematic instruments they say that the full Symphony Series is included, but then if you click and look at the instruments, you only see the pro version with thr black u.i. on string ens, brass ens and percussion, while the other three are white like the Symphony Essentials version included in ultimate. Does anyone know what is going on here? Can someone with Collector's edition verify that it is or isn't included?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • songman
    songman Member Posts: 53 Member
    edited May 28 Answer ✓

    I have CE14 and I can confirm the sizes of the libraries: Brass 29GB, Brass solo 18GB, Percussion 29GB, String 34GB, Woodwind 33GB, Woodwind solo 21GB. So it does look to be the full collection.

    However, be advised that the whole series bathes in reverb and has no dry samples, so totally different to say Vienna. It can be OK for special uses or layering.


  • songman
    songman Member Posts: 53 Member
    edited May 28 Answer ✓

    I have CE14 and I can confirm the sizes of the libraries: Brass 29GB, Brass solo 18GB, Percussion 29GB, String 34GB, Woodwind 33GB, Woodwind solo 21GB. So it does look to be the full collection.

    However, be advised that the whole series bathes in reverb and has no dry samples, so totally different to say Vienna. It can be OK for special uses or layering.

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