Mixer not working on new laptop(windows10) using Traktor 2 Pro

StormFox81 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer


I hope someone can help me with this issue that has been bugging me for months.

I recently bought a new windows 10 laptop after my old one broke and somehow my Traktor S2 MK2 and Kontrol F1 is not working in Traktor Pro 2. All the drivers are installed and I have done several reinstalls. The orange USB led is turned on, but neither the S2 as the F1 is responding. The hardware is working fine if I plug in into my other PC.

My first thought was a issue with drivers, but after thinking this through I think this is a licensing issue. Could it be that my Traktor Pro 2 license is already registered to 3 PC''s and using it on a new laptop disables all the connected mixers?

I already reached out to NI support, but they haven't responded yet.

Any help would really be appreciated because I want to use my laptop when I'm outdoors.




  • grahamrodrigue
    grahamrodrigue Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    I understand how frustrating technical issues can be, especially when it affects your ability to use your equipment outdoors. Let’s try to troubleshoot the problem step by step.

    Firstly, regarding the licensing issue, the end-user license agreement (EULA) for Native Instruments products typically allows installation on two computers, or three for certain products like Maschine and Komplete. If you’ve already registered Traktor Pro 2 on three different PCs, it’s possible that trying to use it on a new laptop could be causing an issue. However, the EULA also states that if you replace one of your computers, it’s not necessary to deactivate an existing installation, but you are required to uninstall the product from the previously used computer. So, if you haven’t uninstalled Traktor Pro 2 from one of the other PCs, that might be something to consider.

    As for the hardware not responding, there are several troubleshooting steps you can take:

    Check Compatibility: Ensure that your Traktor S2 MK2 and Kontrol F1 are compatible with Windows 10. According to Native Instruments, the S2 MK3 requires macOS 10.12 or higher or Windows 10, and it is not compatible with Windows 7 & 8. While this information is for the MK3 model, it’s important to confirm that your MK2 model doesn’t have similar restrictions.

    Driver Reinstallation: You mentioned that you’ve installed all drivers and performed several reinstalls. It might help to uninstall the driver, disconnect the S2, and then reinstall the driver. After installation, reconnect the S2.

    Restore Default Settings: In Traktor, go to Preferences and select the name of your Traktor controller. Click the option to Restore Default.

    Hardware Troubleshooting: If your Traktor Kontrol S2 is not lighting up or is not recognized by your computer, Native Instruments provides a hardware troubleshooting guide that could be helpful.

    I hope the information may helps you.

  • StormFox81
    StormFox81 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you for responding, but

    The issue had been resolved after contacting NI support regarding my license which disabled usage on my new laptop. Now I can finally make music outdoors.

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