Native Access Version 3.10.3 (current version) 2024-04-19 = "ZERO ACCESS!"

Freddie Star
Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Hi everyone! Today = "Zero Access!"

Update status - Native Access (current version: 3.10.3) 2024-04-19

PLEASE STOP! Your programmers that suppose to fix the problems makes Native Access even worse!

Today another new update version of Native Access. Yesterdays version was really bad and the new update today 2024-04-19 made it even worse. I have now zero access to my account and the new version struggle now with even more issues then the previously one?

  1. Sometimes it's only say " Loading Products".....takes for ever! Nothing comes up?
  2. Sometimes it ask me to login in?
  3. Now I can't even get into my Native access application at all? I have zero access after the new update.
  4. All this behaviors happens randomly.

The name "Native Access". You can now change the name to "Zero Access" instead! 😄

Please fix this bugs ASAP!

Thank you in advance!

Best Regards




  • Freddie Star
    Freddie Star Member Posts: 26 Member

    This comes up as well? I don't know if that helps?

  • johnthemiracle
    johnthemiracle Member Posts: 13 Member

    Same problem here. Native Access has become dysunctional with the latest updates. It works on my Mac Studio, though, but on my Macbook Air M1 it does not.

  • M@LO
    M@LO Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the exact same issue on my Mac Studio M1 Max. Very frustrating!

  • rustyspoon
    rustyspoon Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Same. I also cannot login to native access since the latest update.. It asks me to login, then Native ID is just a blank white window and can't go further...

  • Kay Boarder
    Kay Boarder Member Posts: 25 Member

    Yes, I confirm all the above,- not enough,- while downloading and then updating/installing Kontakt 7 (player) update,- I got notification "download failed" while it installed.

    After Kontakt 7 update installation, the refresh icon rotated forever w/ no indication of update finished.

    I had to close Native Access without any option to log out.

    After Native Access re-launch,- not only it´s latest build number was displayed correctly,- also Kontakt 7 update was perfectly done.

    So,- which download failed ? (None did !)

    NI coders,- what do you smoke ?

    Is it all only about graphics, the blog, shop offerings, other unneccessary advertisement and gimmicks?

    We don´t pay peanuts for your software, so please don´t waste our time w/ ****** updates making more worse than fixing bugs!

    NI,- please fire incompetent employees ASAP!



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    Daemon version could not be determined !

    I spent probably an hour looking up paths and double checking stuff to suggest a total removal of both the Native Access and NTKDaemon but ended up thinking that I don't know if when you remove all too thoroughly then can trigger the need for a re-install of all the N.I. apps and libraries or if that only depends on leaving the the products, the installed products list and the product XML files (would think so but not sure).

    So instead I will only suggest that you try this (This is assuming that you are on Windows) :

    Exit Native Access ,

    Then copy the NTKDaemon file (NTKDaemon 1.17.2 Setup PC ?) found in C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Native Access\resources\daemon\win\ to a non system folder

    Then uninstall Native Instruments NTKDaemon from your computer using Windows app uninstall !

    Then then run the NI reg tool and double check if NTKDaemon is there and if there then remove it

    Then (if still there ?) delete the following :

    Delete the NTK folder from %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Native Instruments\

    Delete the NTKDaemon folder from %ProgramFiles%\Native Instruments\

    Reboot computer ,

    Then from the chosen non system folder then install the NTKDaemon as an Admin

    Then try running N.A. as an Admin !

  • ThomasM74
    ThomasM74 Member Posts: 8 Member

    For me the same. The problem is, it works, only if you run it as Administrator.

    This is nonsense and needs to be fixed asap.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru

    I have not had to run NA as Administrator, but reading your post made me remember that I do occasionally get hit with the "loading products" thing. It's not "every time" I upgrade NA (or more accurately, allow NA to update itseslf), but it did happen a couple of times. Here's what I did, and that seemed to work.

    A few weeks ago, I got the "spinning wheel" thing right after an NA update. I also had pending OS updates that day and was already getting the messages that Windows (this PC is on Windows 11) was going to reboot after hours. Knowing a reboot was forthcoming anyhow, I decided to go ahead and let Windows reboot "now" so that I could check for updates on my graphic card and some other stuff...and maybe reboot a second time.

    So I clicked on NA's Help/About dropdown, and I saw that NA had completed its update and was running on the new version. So I punched "reboot now" even while NA was still doing it's circle-spin dance. Reboot was fine and I don't remember NA giving me hassles or taking a long time to load products after that reboot.


    A different time, I saw the spinning circle, and did Help/About, and saw that the update was done, so I just simply closed Native Access and restarted it. I didn't purge any tasks or processes via task manager, either...I just punched the "x" in the upper right corner and just closed NA normally. Again, it didn't seem to take very long upon restart.


    These are just anecdotal experiences, and I just remembered them while reading the post from Thomas immediately above. I would never recommend killing processes or tasks DURING an install. But in both instances above, the install was done and I just killed the application while it was doing it's "loading products" ballet pirouette. Both times, I got back to working quicker, or so it seemed. I have yet to do this on Mac, so I don't know if it would work the same way on Apple.

  • Apogeo
    Apogeo Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Usual problem: unable to log in natice acess 3,10,xx not work

    I also opened a ticket but no one from Native Instrument responds. This shows the company's lack of seriousness. As with every Native Access update, it's always the same as playing slot machines. You don't know if it works. It's shameful. It looks like a club of amateur developers. I'm literally angry.

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,031 Guru

    Just out of curiosity, did any of you people experiencing this slowdown in Windows bother to run the Task Manager while things were grinding away to see what processes were getting the most processing time? Was it NA or some other process, and if so what were the processes?

    You can also take that a step further if you find processes that are stealing an inordinate amount of the processing time and google the name of the process to find out what it is and generally what it does. That will take you a LONG way toward determining what's really happening and where the culprit is.

    Also, as has been mentioned MANY times, you need to run Native Access with Administrator rights. You're doing that, right?

  • GoaSkin
    GoaSkin Member Posts: 41 Member

    In my case, Native Access 3.10.3 opens well but no product appears to be installed. I see "Install" or "Locate" buttons on everything.

    When I click install on a product, the installation procedure runs and prompts that the installation was successful. But the product is not becoming marked as Installed.

    When I try to locate an installed product with the locate-function, I can choose the product folder and then, Native Access responds that it could not locate it there.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,078 Guru
  • Kay Boarder
    Kay Boarder Member Posts: 25 Member

    Win10 Pro x64 here ...

    I do run NI NA in administrator mode.

    Every application writing data to system disk, incl. VST3 plugins location etc., etc. has to run in administrator mode in Win10 and 11.

    Just sayin´



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,971 mod

    After receiving email confirmation then please allow support up to a week to answer and if they do not respond within a week then politely update your ticket to let support know that you are still waiting for a response ! Also N.I. support do not work in the weekend !

  • dsteinhoff
    dsteinhoff Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same issue. Stop "fixing" problems, you only make things worse. You charge way too much money for this.

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