After recent Effects update, loading them freeze FL Studio (FXF-2537)



  • Jon Healey
    Jon Healey Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I had the exact same issue — Supercharger, which I use all the time, was freezing everything. But I fixed it the same way Medstone did. I opened a new FL project, ran the plugin manager and rescanned everything. Supercharger VST3 hadn't loaded properly, I guess.

  • sonikculture
    sonikculture Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Im having the same issue with Replika and Replika XT both. I wonder if its possible to roll back the updates and go to the older verions.

  • Medstone
    Medstone Member Posts: 24 Member

    For now I'm actually scared to upgrade NI plugins. Not so long ago they've decided to move Komplete Kontrol to VST3 and completely remove VST2, so I wasn't able to work on projects.
    Now, after some time they released another update for effects, making them freeze DAW interface.

    I can't work like this.

  • MojoMagik
    MojoMagik Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hello, I have found a workaround… add the Effect to the channel by dragging/dropping from the library navigator area (the panel to the left of the main window) to the effect slot in the selected channel, rather than by clicking the drop-down in a slot (which will result in a freeze). Crazy, but this works.

  • cdgv
    cdgv Member Posts: 7 Member

    Can you confirm that you are loading the VST3 version from the plugin database rather than the VST2 version when using the menu drop down? The freeze seems to only be for the VST2 version. There are multiple ways to get VST3 versions to be available for new projects, and that is probably what you are seeing. The main concern for most of us here is that we cannot open any older projects that were saved using VST2 version of these plugins without losing the plugin state (by removing the plugin using Support tools) or freezing.

  • MojoMagik
    MojoMagik Member Posts: 6 Member

    Hello, I've only got a VST3 version of Replika XT installed, so that must be what is loading whichever method I'm using to load it. The only way I get a freeze is by adding it directly from the drop-down - yet if I open the drop-down, then go to "More plugins…" and select it from there, it loads fine. So it looks like some kind of user interface bug that has been introduced when adding directly from the drop-down.

  • littlealone100
    littlealone100 Member Posts: 11 Member

    No matter which method I use to load the VST3 version of Replika XT, it never freezes.

    My FL freezes only when loading the VST2 version.

  • MojoMagik
    MojoMagik Member Posts: 6 Member

    Do you have the latest version of FL and Replika XT(VST3) installed? It only started freezing for me (if I select it straight from the drop-down) after the latest Replika XT update - never had any issues before that.

  • galvan
    galvan Member Posts: 6 Newcomer


    Hope this helps somebody.

    I disabled all anti virus apps, Vpn's etc, after which I was able to open previously frozen projects.

    Replika XT was still unresponsive and when opened and still caused Fl Studio to freeze again, but I was at least able to replace it if I did not click on it to show the plugin.

    I replaced it with a VST3 (instead of VST) version which seams to be ok.

    I have not gone through all of my projects that have been affected but for those that I have this works.

    Kind regards.

  • Medstone
    Medstone Member Posts: 24 Member
    Answer ✓

    I've tried reinstalling plugins, manually deleting all VST's and remembered options for them in FL Studio, scan again with combining VST and bit versions, without, and reinstall them again. Nothing works. I can load this plugins in new project, but I cannot start old ones because it freezez DAW interface.

    My assumption is - NI drop VST2 support for this plugins completely, as they did with Komplete Kontrol (in one day, without warning we just couldn't open ongoin projects because of that).
    After being rightly cricitized by customers, they added work around to still being able to load Komplete Kontrol VST2 plugin.

    It seems that with effects that may be same thing - they changed something in the code and older projects cannot load VST3, as it still recall VST2 or something.

    Is that the case - they're ditching something important, and we will not be able to open our old or even on going projects. That's scary.

  • Picoboulevard
    Picoboulevard Member Posts: 3 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hey all,

    I've been having the same issue with FL and NI updates this last week since updating. I noticed in plugin manager I had Replika & Replika XT dll's at C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit and the VST3 at C:\Program files\Common files\VST3. Plugin manager was also set to combine VST & VST3 (unsure if combining actually caused an issue) but thought to remove one leaving the VST3 only to see if anything was conflicting.

    On removing the DLL's from C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\VSTPlugins 64 bit, and running plugin manager again leaving only the VST3, my issues with unresponsive projects and these plugins were rectified. I hope this helps somebody!

  • Medstone
    Medstone Member Posts: 24 Member

    True, but after that I have errors in Native Access:

    When I try to fix it, it download this VST again and issue still occurs.

  • Picoboulevard
    Picoboulevard Member Posts: 3 Member

    Ahh yes, I've just noticed that. Okay so I've just tried this with the project I had issues with this morning is still opening.

    I replaced the 2 DLL's from the location I removed them previously, but before refreshing FL Plugin manager I unchecked the 'combine VST and VST3 version of a plugin' then refreshed. Restarted my PC just to make sure, checked the project and it opened. And also no errors in Native access. I did not re install through Native access, I just replaced the 2 I removed which were affecting me. Worth a shot :)

  • cdgv
    cdgv Member Posts: 7 Member

    One thing to note about this approach, dropping the old VST2 and opening the older projects with VST3 does let the project open, however in my experience the plugin was now in its default state and did not save any of the changes made to any of the parameters. Did you find the same behavior?

    For that reason I'd say this is a workaround to get a project to open, but is still not an acceptable solution to the actual issue.

  • Picoboulevard
    Picoboulevard Member Posts: 3 Member

    Yes, indeed. on the VST 2 that I removed, definitely not a perfect fix but if you need to get into a project for now,

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