Traktor Lagging & Sound Starts Distorting and Warping

mediK Member Posts: 35 Member
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello, I have an issue which sometimes occurs at random and I really can't reproduce it at will.

What happens is that sometimes when a track is playing the software suddenly lags and then the sound is basically like bitcrushing, almost stopping at a point and that goes on indefinitely. The only thing that helps is rebooting Traktor.

Does anyone know what's going on?

I run an X1Mk2, Z2, F1 on Traktor 3.11 on a Windows laptop with Windows 11 and Intel i5 11th gen processor.


Best Answer

  • AudiFreq
    AudiFreq Member Posts: 47 Advisor
    edited April 2024 Answer ✓

    it's a latency issue caused by system performance/interrupts. Once you hit a certain threshold it will make that awful noise.

    I'm a certified computer tech and have been using traktor for 12 years and I've never been able able to escape that without safeguarding my system from latency issues. The 3 most important things to keep in mind before running traktor are:

    1. hardware latency, if you are running above 48000hz try lowering it, and if your latency is below 128ms, try raising it.
    2. Power settings, obviously if you are one laptop having it plugged in and on the high performance battery profile will allow your cpu a bit more power.
    3. Driver interrupts, this is the big one and why some laptops are fine and others have this issue even when they should be 2x faster than the ones with no issues, the #1 culprit is wifi, disabling the wifi device in device manager fixes these issues 80% of the time. I never dj live with wifi on anymore.

    There are a lot of other factors background apps/anti-virus/thermal management. but those 3 are my "big 3"

    I'm a bit more tech savvy than most and for I fixed this for myself and my DJ friends is to build a 2nd partition on the system and instal "atlas OS" it's a stripped down ver of windows and I only enable the bare necessities and disable internet access. When the system boots I get a screens that says "boot into traktor, or boot into windows" and I can pick where I want to go. Not only has atals os helped me never have these lock ups, it also allowed me to push my latency lower than I have ever hit without errors.


  • AudiFreq
    AudiFreq Member Posts: 47 Advisor
    edited April 2024 Answer ✓

    it's a latency issue caused by system performance/interrupts. Once you hit a certain threshold it will make that awful noise.

    I'm a certified computer tech and have been using traktor for 12 years and I've never been able able to escape that without safeguarding my system from latency issues. The 3 most important things to keep in mind before running traktor are:

    1. hardware latency, if you are running above 48000hz try lowering it, and if your latency is below 128ms, try raising it.
    2. Power settings, obviously if you are one laptop having it plugged in and on the high performance battery profile will allow your cpu a bit more power.
    3. Driver interrupts, this is the big one and why some laptops are fine and others have this issue even when they should be 2x faster than the ones with no issues, the #1 culprit is wifi, disabling the wifi device in device manager fixes these issues 80% of the time. I never dj live with wifi on anymore.

    There are a lot of other factors background apps/anti-virus/thermal management. but those 3 are my "big 3"

    I'm a bit more tech savvy than most and for I fixed this for myself and my DJ friends is to build a 2nd partition on the system and instal "atlas OS" it's a stripped down ver of windows and I only enable the bare necessities and disable internet access. When the system boots I get a screens that says "boot into traktor, or boot into windows" and I can pick where I want to go. Not only has atals os helped me never have these lock ups, it also allowed me to push my latency lower than I have ever hit without errors.

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