Recommended external midi encoder knob pad to control "Noire" parameters

Matto715 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Other Software & Hardware

Hi everyone

I am new to the "Noire" piano. I am using it as a standalone with the Kontakt Player on my MAC Power Book M1. It would be nice to control the multitude of Noire parameters with an external Hardware MIDI encoder knob pad instead of doing this on the screen with the mouse. Has any one of you experience with this? Any recommendations for a useful, small rotary-knob pad? Thanks for any help!


  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 336 Member

    Can I give you advice about how to control trigger notes using empty pads linked to one with the Sound. Empty Pads Link to group 1 as SEND and one with the Sound Link to group 1 as RECEIVE. Now press empty Pad and adjust which Note and Octave will play from the Group View. You can also use Lock States, Selection or Scenes control via Notes in keyboard mode. You need MIDI 5pin Cable from out to in on Maschine and in settings turn on Maschine out and in then go next page choose which parameter you will control and select Notes Channel 1 and connect empty Group and Pad to Maschine in and out and you will be able to play in keyboard mode and placing on vertical time line in pattern or Arrange mode, Lock States, selection or Scenes which can hold different set's of triggers for the expression and different play stiles.

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