since new update native access komplete control stuck on installing software open up but mashine c

dos1978 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

as you can see on the pics keep installing never finishing


  • dos1978
    dos1978 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    maschine stuck the software working but not the mashine

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,247 mod

    I have no idea with respect to the Maschine question , but with respect to the Komplete Kontrol installation just going on perpetually then I think I know how to fix that one ! :

    This is assuming that you are on Windows and that you know how to show system files and hidden files in Windows explorer !

    First then look in Native Access what is your download location in N.A. , then exit Native Access (no need to log out)

    Then go to the download location, in the download location you should have a zip file named Komplete_Kontrol_Installer , move that file to somewhere else and unzip it ! That should give you a file named Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1 Setup PC

    If you got that file then continue the rest of this , else don't

    Then download N.A. from here

    Then uninstall Native Access from your computer !

    Then delete the NativeAccess XML found in the directory : C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Service Center

    Then (if still there) delete the whole Native Access directory located at : C:\Users\[YOUR User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Native Instruments\Native Access

    Reboot computer , run the Komplete Kontrol 3.2.1 Setup PC as an Admin, you ought not need to re-install KK drivers if offered .

    Then run the downloaded N.A. installer as an Admin and allow it to do it's setup ! (the above did not include removal of your NTKDaemon which ought not matter in this case)

    By now N.A. ought to be started and logged in , but else then run the N.A. app as an Admin and log in.

    Then give N.A. the short time it needs to find out that Komplete Kontrol has been installed and do not start any new updates or downloads until you have checked that it is OK !

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