Native Access 2.0.2 not loading certain thumbnails in Komplete Kontrol

Dave Therrien
Dave Therrien Member Posts: 6 Member
edited February 2023 in Native Access

I've been re-installing a number of instruments in Komplete Kontrol. I've performed the procedure for resolving missing thumbnails a few times and, consistently, the following instrument images are missing from /NI Resources/image folder:

  • Massive
  • Rickenbacker Bass
  • The Giant
  • Session Horns

.. so their thumbnail image is just a gray box

I've also tried to reinstall these specific instruments, but Komplete Kontrol is still missing those specific thumbnails.


Best Answer


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,104 Expert

    Hard to say. I had the same problem like you. Several thumbnails were missing. First I tried to reinstall affected libraries. No success.

    Later on I followed the procedure to fix thumnails database (delete things here and there and rescan).... The affected thumbnails were fixed and visible.,,,,

    But another, that had been OK before, disappeared. So, I left it as it is.... Only few of many is missing...

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,535 mod
    Answer ✓

    There is a bug in the latest Native Access version that brings back this issue on a larger scale. You will find fixes and a few image folders in this thread you can use to replace yours: Expansion thumbnails missing in Maschine and Komplete Kontrol

    The next version of Native Access should fix this issue.

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