Kontakt 7 causing Kernel panic shutoff on Mac Studio! (KT-8785)



  • strigi
    strigi Member Posts: 69 Member

    Thanks for all of this Jeremy! I'm glad you guys are aware of it and are actively working on a solution. The workaround is a good suggestion and I've already started to use Kontakt 6 for some things (since I've had it installed forever lol). I stopped using Kontakt 6 for certain plug-ins since the performance wasn't that great for a few select things, but I don't think it's necessarily terrible for certain other plug-ins. I'll keep trying that as a workaround. If I experience kernel panics from that too, I'll be sure to report it and update here as well.

    Thanks again! Happy reporting guys!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Hey some good and promising news, one other user experiencing similar issues mentioned the following:

    So far, the macOS 14.5 public beta seems to have taken care of my issues with Digital Performer, Logic Pro and multiple monitors. Keeping my fingers crossed that the released version does the same.

    So if any of you has access to this beta, it might be worth a shot.

  • strigi
    strigi Member Posts: 69 Member

    Oh wow, this is really great news. Hopefully this works out! I'm too afraid to get the beta version, but I hope it ends up being a valid fix when the actual version gets released! I'm wondering how aware Apple is of this. :)

  • william olson
    william olson Member Posts: 43 Member

    I was at a site called Mac rumors .Sonoma update was causing problems also with other mac users with things not pertaining to NI.Interesting forum every thing pertaining to apple products.Including,Kernal panics.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Thanks for pointing it out, we'll investigate this case as well. Please next time you see similar reports, forward these users to this thread so they can fill the little questionnaire and help with the investigation.

  • ivicam
    ivicam Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited April 2024

    I've just got the kernel panic with Kontakt 7 standalone. Nothing changed on my system since last time it worked.

  • ivicam
    ivicam Member Posts: 60 Member

    OK, now I can't open Kontakt at all. Reseting database doesn't help, nor any other common solution. I am definitely done with this. Uninstalling everything NI and I will try to sell my Komplete licence to recover at least part of completely waisted hundreds of euros. This is beyond unacceptable, without any doubt the worst software I've used in my whole life. I feel really sorry for all those professionals who must use Kontakt or other NI garbage. I also feel sorry for NI employees. Thank you for trying so hard to support completely unsupportable products.


    And yeah, Apple may be ultimately guilty of the kernel panic thing, but just look at the most recent release note for Kontakt:

    Crash on launching Kontakt standalone if Canon EOS webcam utility software is installed

    Really?! What kind of code managed to make coupling like this one?

  • strigi
    strigi Member Posts: 69 Member

    Dang, sorry to hear that friend :( Hopefully they get caught up and can handle this issue. If the software isn't opening at all, that's a nasty problem and yeah probably isn't worth your time! And yeah, the Apple thing is still a problem. I'm hoping all this gets resolved soon. Good luck and let us know if you return to it! :)

  • ivicam
    ivicam Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited April 2024


    Given that Kontakt libraries that come with Komplete Ultimate are musically beautiful and inspiring (I definitely give them huge credit for that), I will gladly return to them when and if their software starts "just working" on macOS with tolerable minor bugs as all the other libraries I have (from Arturia, Korg, AAS, Modartt, NeuralDSP, Softube and free stuff from Spitfire Audio).

    As a macOS and iOS dev, I can't afford to stay too much behind with OS updates just because of a single corporation which is not capable of making their software work reliably on the platform. As I said, being up to date works well with basically everything else except NI.

    Just as info, do you know if NI stuff works better on Windows?

  • Omlecado
    Omlecado Member Posts: 2 Member

    So this actually happened to me till recently. I would launch Kontakt 7 or any other NI software effect/instrument/player, and my MacBook Pro M2 would just freeze and crash. This error, known as a Kernel panic, is caused when a software is corrupt or cannot be properly run through your computer. I visited the NI support page and after some research, it turns out you need to launch your DAW through Rosetta to allow the system to read the software scripts properly. I tried this, and I faced no further issues:

    On Mac,

    1. Go to Finder
    2. Find your daw in the Applications tab
    3. Right click your daw
    4. Click 'get more info'
    5. Check the box that pops up that says 'open through Rosetta'

    And hopefully that should help if you're a Mac user running M2 or Silicon in general.

  • Matthewwww
    Matthewwww Member Posts: 1 Member

    Having the same issue in GarageBand with new Mac Studio. Just repeated by opening GB, loading one instance of Komplete Kontrol, load 40s Drums, add a pattern, try to add one more.... computer shuts down. I don't believe it has anything to do with cables. I have all new cables, apple studio display...

    Very frustrating. Can't use my tools to create.

    I can post full crash log if needed.


    panic(cpu 2 caller 0xfffffe001f8f7ddc): DCPEXT1 PANIC - program_swap: Async Swap request landing on unsupported platform. Force panic

     - iomfb_driver(10)

    program_swap: Async Swap request landing on unsupported platform. Force panic

    RTKit: RTKit-2419.101.1.release - Client: local-t602xdcp.RELEASE

    !UUID: 10178379-fe92-3317-9095-ad703b8bb255

    Time: 0x0000030544a4f54b

    Faulting task 10 Call Stack: 0x000000000001c748 0x000000000001c13c 0x000000000001bf40 0x00000000000152c0 0x00000000001e4130 0x000000000019ff24 0x000000000019956c 0x00000000001a4a64 0x000000000013e24c 0x000000000001cbb8 0x0000000000017af0

  • AnthonyB
    AnthonyB Member Posts: 1 Member

    I'm experiencing the exact same issue (with the Mac's native screen). I recently invested in Mac hardware, thinking it would improve stability, but my Komplete Kontrol has become almost unusable and regularly restarts my computer whenever it crashes. I'll send you a crash report when I get back from work.

    As a developer, I understand that the problem may not be as easy to solve. Courage to you.

  • strigi
    strigi Member Posts: 69 Member

    I have a PC as well and I have not tested it there. However, Ableton seems to handle things well on Windows 11 at least. I do use some of iZotope's stuff at work and it works okay on PC, but that's mostly because I'm tinkering around in RX Advanced all day lol; so I don't know beyond that.

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