Kontakt 7.8.1 in Digital Performer and other DAWs crashes Mac after Sonoma 14.4 update



  • shrinktofit
    shrinktofit Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    I see a lot of these posts think the problem is only with Mac silicone machines and OS 14. I am running Intel on a mac pro and have the same problem with OS 13 and Kontakt 7. It briefly went away when upgraded to 13.6.6, but has returned with a vengeance!

  • Soundgood
    Soundgood Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    It is the whole computer. It freezes and then turns off. I have one Asus monitor and one Dell.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod

    Hey all, thanks for all the info, I'm forwarding all this to our QA and devs.

  • Fernando Civeira
    Fernando Civeira Member Posts: 1 Member

    Hi! same problem. Sonoma 14.4.1, DP11.3 and Kontakt 7 (last actualization). DP crashes when I put a Kontakt Instrument. I open DP on Rossetta Mode and works OK.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,359 mod

    First the cursor freezes—a few seconds later the Mac crashes and reboots.

    Interesting - I did have one of those last week - the mouse just froze then suddenly the whole Mac rebooted, and was wondering what it was but at the time I was not using any NI plugins so maybe it is a system level issue, not just a NI related one? So far I have not had anything like this when using Kontakt though.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod
    edited April 2024

    Hey all, we are aware of this issue and are investigating it. In order to reproduce the issue as well as gathering all the necessary information so we can add to our report to Apple in the most efficient way, we would need you to submit a support request here: https://bit.ly/NI_support_kontakt

    Please put Kernel Panic with Kontakt 7 or the bug number (KT-8785) as the title and include the following information:

    • What processor do you have? M1/M2/M3, what type? Standard, Max, Pro, Ultra, etc…
    • What kind of computer? Laptop, iMac, Mini, Studio, etc…
    • What is your operating system? in this format: 14.4.1
    • In what OS version this started to happen?
    • In what DAWs is this happening?
    • Can you reproduce the issue when your DAW is in Rosetta mode?
    • Can you reproduce the issue with Kontakt in standalone?
    • Can you reproduce the issue with the Guitar Rig 7 or the Komplete Kontrol 3xx as plug-ins?
    • What monitors do you have and how many? Brand, model
    • Are you able to reproduce the issue without an external device? (where possible)
    • Can you briefly describe the steps to reproduce the crash? 
    • Please also include a screenshot of your display setting for every monitor used (On your Mac, choose Apple menu  > System Settings, then click Displays in the sidebar.)

    It should look like this:

    Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the time and effort to provide these informations.

    Please note this is only for Kernel Panics, where the whole computer crash, not for any Kontakt crash or DAW crash.

    As a temporary workaround (although not ideal since not all libraries will work with this version) you can use Kontakt 6 Player (or full if you own it), here is a link for the installer: KONTAKT 6.8.0

    I will put the status to this thread as Answered and accepted. It does not mean in any way that we consider the issue is solved, it's just to put this post as visible as possible so we can gather information. Thanks for your understanding.

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited April 2024

    So far, the macOS 14.5 public beta seems to have taken care of my issues with Digital Performer, Logic Pro and multiple monitors. Keeping my fingers crossed that the released version does the same.

    macOS 14.5 (public beta)

    M2 Studio Ultra — 192GB RAM — 8TB System Drive — Apple 27" Studio Display + (2) LG 27" 4K monitors

    Komplete 14 Collectors Edition, Kontakt 7.9.0

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod

    @MHalloran Thanks a lot for sharing that good news!

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member

    DO NOT INSTALL macOS 14.5 Public Beta 2!

    All of the problems are back. I have attached all of the crash logs except one that is way too big at 745MB.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,842 mod

    @MHalloran Thanks a lot for letting us know.

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member

    Kontakt 7.10.0 doesn't crash Digital Performer every time over macOS 14.5 beta 2 — just most times. Those instances that didn't crash at first did so the moment I tried to change VIs inside Kontakt. Latest crash reports attached.

  • FranckD
    FranckD Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Looks like a very bad news... Pb not fixed

  • FranckD
    FranckD Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    7.10.0 no more proposed as an update on Native Access

  • efiebke
    efiebke Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited April 2024

    My M2 Mac Studio computer continues to crash when MOTU's Digital Performer 11.31 attempts to open the latest update of Kontakt 7.10.1 (as of 4/19/2024). (macOS: Sonoma 14.5 - beta 2).

    FWIW. . . I'm happy using Kontakt 6. It continues to work well with Digital Performer and I haven't purchased anything from Native-Instruments, lately, that might require Kontakt 7.

  • MHalloran
    MHalloran Member Posts: 35 Member

    Likewise, Kontakt 7.10.1 fixes nothing for me.

    I wish that I had not updated from the macOS 14.5 beta 1. Unfortunately, to roll back would take a few days and I would lose too much work.

    Whatever Native Instruments and Apple did needs to be undone. I'm tired of my projects being held hostage to code that isn't properly tested before release.

This discussion has been closed.
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