Are Groth, Lunaris 2, and UNITY Nostalgic Synth free only for new buyers?



  • sleepson
    sleepson Member Posts: 18 Member

    What a trash tier response - this sort of ****** makes me want to NOT use NI for future projects, and maybe just sell my K14 Ultimate.

    Kicking current owners of a product in the teeth is never acceptable.

    It doesn't make anyone want to stick with a product or brand/developer.

    Complete opposite effect.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,098 Guru
    edited March 11

    Well - have fun being bitter.


  • Andrea1968
    Andrea1968 Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    We are always unhappy, we were just given the Collier's Choir for free...

    Mmmm Oooo Mmmm Eeee Aaaa

    We are never happy... try it... Mmmm Eeee Aaaa Oooo Mmmm

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 1,188 Guru

    I'm amazed at just how many people seem to think that they're entitled to free stuff because they bought something in the past.

    Mind = blown 🤐

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,098 Guru
    edited March 11

    Tis unbelievable. Even more unbelievable is the fact that NI (and it's partners) do this all the time and make no secret about it. Years worth of promos "Buy This and Get these Free" have happened.

    But every time a promo like this runs - it does always seems to be users with 1-5 posts who drop by once a year - just to slag NI.

    Nothing better to do and clearly no idea how this works.


  • Shadowin
    Shadowin Member Posts: 6 Member

    Y'all seem pretty much in hard defense of NI on this - #fanboys. When someone buys Komplete 14 at full price, right when it drops, you would expect to get what is bundled with it, as well as support and updates for it, as a full product. A full product should include new addons and updates as they drop, so you keep your existing owners happy and they upgrade to 15 when that drops. Its not hard at all for NI to do this - just an update. Saying that is what is always done, really doesn't separate NI from any other ****** vendor. It makes them the same. I upgraded from 13 to 14 and really did not see a lot of benefit, from the offerings, but it is what it is. What this does, actually, is take me off the fence on buying a new MK3, as well as not continuing my subscription to the Izotope suite, since I use Sonible more these days. If I had already bought the MK3, I probably would have different opinions. Since I don't, I am not that committed to anything, and this all just helps me in my decision. To each their own, and everyone has different motivations.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 1,098 Guru
    edited March 11


    "When someone buys Komplete 14 at full price, right when it drops, you would expect to get what is bundled with it, as well as support and updates for it, as a full product. A full product should include new addons and updates as they drop, so you keep your existing owners happy and they upgrade to 15 when that drops"

    You are proving my point in spades. 3 posts total. And a "complete" misunderstanding on how Komplete works and has always worked.

    Firstly - Komplete is "not" a product (and never has been) - it is a collection of instruments, FX etc "bundled" together for a (usually) very attractive price point at a very specific point in time for any NI user (or soon to be user).

    Secondly - of ALL the "products" contained within our Komplete bundles (at the time of purchase) - we DO get support and updates for ALL the products that were in our bundle (at the time of purchase).

    Finally - what we do not get (and have never ever gotten) is anything "new" that NI itself creates AFTER we bought our bundle (Like for example "Schema Dark" - released before Christmas 2023 - well after Komplete 14 was offered) and for 100% certainty - we have never ever gotten anything offered by any of NI's NKS partners - even with a brand new Komplete bundle purchase - except in the circumstance of when these "promos" are on - which are always specifically aimed at potential new "Komplete" owners only.

    And to this point:

    "A full product should include new addons and updates as they drop, so you keep your existing owners happy and they upgrade to 15 when that drops"

    Using this logic - if any Komplete owner (Like us) DID get every product (new addons and updates as they drop) from NI AND it's partners - AFTER we bought our specific Komplete bundle - we would already be forever "upgraded".

    Not mention this would would mean tens of thousands of dollars worth of "free" product going to every existing Komplete user - and all on NI/NKS partners to absorb? You can see how that is never going to happen.

    This process (and especially these promos) have existed (with these requirements/restrictions) since the mid 2000's and the very first Komplete offering. (which I purchased way back when)

    There is nothing new about this deal that has not been stated ad nauseum in the past.


  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 268 Pro

    Folks who get free stuff periodically (like the new Choir library), special offers on upgrades, etc. and not dis-respected as customers. If you got an upgrade for 50% off on sale, it's kinda common sense you cannot then get a different promotion three months later. If you buy a car in summer you won't get big discount, if you buy one as new models come out, you get super deal. Summer customers don't get rebate ot free swag. If you paid full price for Komplete and got no deals or bonus offers, the new choir library is an example of how NI keeps folks happy with unexpectd things like that which arguably is at least a $99 value right there. Did you post a thank you to NI about that?

  • Prokat99
    Prokat99 Member Posts: 25 Member
    edited March 12

    I joined the NI ecosystem not too long ago but apparently didn't make the cut off.

    I too am a little peeved about this type of offer as it does feel like disrespect to all current users, but NI is a company like any other and they only "care" about you because of the potential money they can get from you.

    It's just things like "loyalty", and "appreciation" and other words that describe real things you experience with real relationships have been co-opted (probably since the dawn of time) by businesses and other entities to trick you (even when you consciously see through it).

    A great example is using terms like "Ultimate" to describe a product that ultimately doesn't include everything currently released. Instead you have to purchase the "Collectors" edition which, surprise, doesn't include everything.

    Just look home many "unlimited" plans the same cell service offers.

    The end point is every company will use any tool they can to get more money. From a consumer side, the only hope is this type of ****** strategy will cause them a drop in sales AND they actually have the capacity to see that it did. It would may temporarily push the needle in favor of consumers, but again, only cause it's effecting the bottom line.

  • Prokat99
    Prokat99 Member Posts: 25 Member

    Wow, the letter "B" and the letter "S", when used side by side apparently need to be censored from our innocent eyes.

    That is just objectively hilarious

  • -AL-X-
    -AL-X- Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited March 15

    There could be a middle ground - NI could just offer the new instruments that existing owners of Komplete feel they have missed out on for a discounted price.

    Surely then everyone would be happy.

    I was super disappointed when I realised that existing owners weren't being included and it does feel a little like a kick in the teeth for being a loyal customer. I know they offer free stuff, and some of it isn't bad, but it's very clearly on a different tier.

    I'll agree that loyalty as a customer means very little these days and that almost all industries are far more interested in new customers, but that doesn't mean we should accept or even defend that behaviour.

  • Anthony H
    Anthony H Member Posts: 34 Member

    I didn't get any additional instruments, libraries or effects. Just the bundle. But it was on discount - only $299.50 (plus $20 extra discount for reasons I can't recall). Been a Komplete owner since K6. What did you pay?

    I totally get why people feel jilted seeing products being added on to a collection they already bought. I had the same knee-jerk reaction. But in retrospect, and having done my numbers, it seems I still came out on top. The free instruments currently on offer are valued about $450. But it seems I got $900 off the (current) upgrade price. I also know that I really don't need yet ANOTHER synth or cinematic sample/loop/phrase library.

    But I don't speak for others - I don't know what their deal/pricing was. If I had paid full price for the "Ultimate Collectors" edition only to find that a few months down the line people were getting that same bundle augmented with $450 of gear, I'd say that's a justified reason to feel a bit cheated. I wouldn't dismiss their grievance so readily.

  • Shadowin
    Shadowin Member Posts: 6 Member

    To be really honest, I have not needed to use the NI forums. If you wanna live here and work out your issues, I am okay with that. Commenting about someone making only 3 posts is about as nose to the sky as someone can get. I just don't care what your opinion is.

    You seem like you have nothing better to do, than to look up how much people have commented and you love NI. This is interesting, tell me more...

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