Are Groth, Lunaris 2, and UNITY Nostalgic Synth free only for new buyers?

TristanVII Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Komplete General


I saw the advertisement and was wondering if this is only for people buying the whole bundle now, or if these softwares are also free for people already owning Komplete.

I own the Collector edition and they don't show free to me, but I recently bought other softwares that were discounted for Komplete owners and the website wasn't showing me the discounts, almost like it couldn't see that I own Komplete (my previous post here). So I figured I should at least try to ask for there three.

Thank you.

Best Answers



  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,316 Expert
    edited March 8 Answer ✓

    Only free if you are buying Komplete 14 new (as a new customer) or update/upgrade an already owning Komplete version to 14.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,191 mod
    edited March 8 Answer ✓

    Quote Matt_NI : if you already own K14 since a while and did not purchase it like super close to the announcement of this campaign then you would not receive additional instruments. This is a time specific offer and applicable on purchases made during that time.

  • TristanVII
    TristanVII Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thank you for the information.

  • Jahrod
    Jahrod Member Posts: 1 Member

    Native, are you serious?

    For your customers who already own one of the Komplete suites, you will not offer them, even for a limited period, what your new customers will be offered? REALLY ?

    Personally, I own the Komplete 14 Collectors Edition and NOTHING will be offered to me?

    This is a serious lack of respect from your former customers who follow you and trust you!!

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,102 Expert


    "Personally, I own the Komplete 14 Collectors Edition and NOTHING will be offered to me? This is a serious lack of respect from your former customers who follow you and trust you!!"

    The only lack of respect (that I see here) is a bizarre expectation that just because you own a Komplete Bundle - that you somehow deserve to get every single thing NI might offer to any "new" Komplete customer until the end of time.

    This is called Marketing - it happens all the time with all companies. Time to accept it and move on.


  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 268 Advisor
    edited March 9

    Many companies use this tactic to lure new customers into buying their products.

    Like you I do feel rather hard done by when existing customers who in many cases have been loyal for many years, often spending thousands, seem to be forgotten about.

    It is what it is I'm afraid.

  • DustmanNorochj
    DustmanNorochj Member Posts: 2 Member

    It is marketing, but is the amount of new customers going to make up for the lost customers and bad PR?

  • Sempai45
    Sempai45 Member Posts: 4 Member

    I am in the exact same position. I own the FLAGSHIP bundle and a newcomer gets 3 full instruments free and I, as a loyal LONG TIME customer, get NOTHING??? Really? Not feelin' any kind of love here. Now I know how a loyal wife feels when her husband of 20 years and the father of their 3 children leaves her for a younger (newer) woman. She gets the benefit of all the years I helped make you a strong viable person and all I do is get to watch. 😡

  • Sempai45
    Sempai45 Member Posts: 4 Member

    ANYTHING other than NOTHING is better. A deep discount? A "lite" version? That works too. Brand loyalty is the key to long term success. New products are needed and new customers. Got it. It's critically important not to forget who got you to where you are today. can do better, be better.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,102 Expert
    edited March 9

    NI has done this "buy this, get these from free" thing probably 50+ times since Komplete was launched.

    Can hardly wait to see you guys boil over when Komplete 15 hits and the complaints start flying about all the new products you didn't get for "free" between the K14 and K15 releases.

    Which reminds me - we just bought a new truck 6 months ago - I had better get on the horn and call my dealer and ask them when I can come in and have them swap out the sound system I have in my vehicle for the newer one that comes standard on that model today. For free of course.


  • MorrisEd
    MorrisEd Member Posts: 147 Advisor
    edited March 10

    As much as I enjoy your loyal wife analogy, I don’t understand this logic. NI has included free instruments with the purchase of Komplete for the last several years. When I bought Komplete 14 UCE, I received some world instruments along with some of the Soniccouture plug-ins. I think this offer is pretty routine and not a slight to current users.

  • sleepson
    sleepson Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 10

    This is a disingenuous response - you know fully well that most companies, certainly any that care about their customers, DO offer the current freebie offerings to current owners of a product.

    If this wasn't the standard position, people wouldn't be here complaining about it - we're complaining about because getting kicked in the teeth for already owning a product is NOT the standard.

  • blastedkane
    blastedkane Member Posts: 4 Member

    I have noticed lots of comments about buying a burger last week and now want the free fries being offered this week or about buying a truck and now you want the free thing being offered and i think they a poor comparison

    The question should be, will these plugins become an integral part of Komplete in the future. If they will then I believe that current users of the system are being penalized.

    If NI has made a deal with the suppliers to only do this as a temporary measure and they will not be included in future releases then, even though I would have liked them, it's probably just a marketing thing and therefore there is nothing to say

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,102 Expert


    "If this wasn't the standard position, people wouldn't be here complaining about it - we're complaining about because getting kicked in the teeth for already owning a product is NOT the standard."

    Only you and about 8 other people are kicking dust on this.

    This is standard fare for NI (and every other vendor that I deal with)

    If you do not like this situation - you could have waited until now to buy your bundle and get the free product.

    Why not break out the Komplete that you do have and use it to make some music?


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 2,102 Expert
    edited March 10


    "It's probably just a marketing thing and therefore there is nothing to say"

    Now someone is finally coming around.

    This has always been a marketing thing and always will be a marketing thing.

    NI and their NKS partners team up for stuff all the time.

    To your question - the answer is no. All three of these bonus products are third party instruments and outside of some super old Heavyocity stuff years ago - third party products are not (and have not) been part of any traditional Komplete bundle.

    This current promo allows these excellent third party vendors to get some spotlight and (hopefully) serves as a nice bonus to anyone thinking about adding Komplete to their toolkit.

    I do not see anything wrong with it and wish any new buyer the best with their new toys.


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