Anyone know if Traktor Pro 3 works on Mac M3 devices?

vinnieramz Member Posts: 4 Member

Does anyone know if Traktor Pro 3 works on Mac M3 devices?


Best Answers

  • DJDL
    DJDL Member Posts: 79 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Strong word of advice, Apple Silicon versions of Traktor are crashing for many people under M1/M2 Macs. I have used every single version and I still get very frustrating crashes up until 3.11, that's why I am trying to roll back to version 3.8 and use it thru Rosetta (the emulator that allows non Apple Silicon native versions of software to run on M1/M2/M3 chips).

    You should give both alternatives a try and see how they work for you.

    Remember that Rosetta has to be enabled/installed on new Macs, before non native software even opens. It should happen automatically after a few system notifications.

    Best of luck!

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 766 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Have my MBP with M3 Max since December 2023. With my Xone:96 and Kontrol X1 Mk2 no issues and crashes until now. With my Kontrol S4 Mk3 it is still stable but have some flickering sometimes in TP3.

    And for anyone who thinks TP3 runs more stable via Rosetta: You don't need the old versions. Go to the folder where Traktor App is located, open the information window and tick "Open with Rosetta". As Traktor is an universal binary it runs the Intel code via Rosetta then. If it runs more stable than the native Apple Silicon code? Never tried it in a performance as I have no problems with my Apple Silicon machines so far.



  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,098 mod

    The specifications say M1/M2 so it looks like no, although they might be out of date. You can always try the demo version from here -DJ Software : Traktor Pro 3 : Demo And Downloads | Traktor (

    It's limited to 30 minute play time, but that should give you plenty of time to see if it works ok.

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro
    edited February 2024

    I think TP3 will run on M3-SoCs as all AppleSilicon share the same architecture (M1, M2 -whatever base, Pro, Max).

  • DJDL
    DJDL Member Posts: 79 Helper
    Answer ✓

    Strong word of advice, Apple Silicon versions of Traktor are crashing for many people under M1/M2 Macs. I have used every single version and I still get very frustrating crashes up until 3.11, that's why I am trying to roll back to version 3.8 and use it thru Rosetta (the emulator that allows non Apple Silicon native versions of software to run on M1/M2/M3 chips).

    You should give both alternatives a try and see how they work for you.

    Remember that Rosetta has to be enabled/installed on new Macs, before non native software even opens. It should happen automatically after a few system notifications.

    Best of luck!

  • fronbasal
    fronbasal Member Posts: 3 Member
  • vinnieramz
    vinnieramz Member Posts: 4 Member

    Thank you all for the responses. For now I am will stay on a Mac with i5 processor.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited February 2024

    very interesting responses from the crew here..

    now although i cannot vouch for whether the m3 will work...

    i can verify that the m1 works rather well.... mind you im using a m1 mac mini... and unless you are doing something major in the graphics department... using a m3 for traktor is probably overkill, well above spec if it did work without issue... but given the responses much like my own.. we probably dont own a m3, for good reason ... its likely overkill

    but hey... if the i5 works fine stay with it... until you begin to hit a brick wall when attempting to do more in the audio environment!!

    i reached a brick wall with the previous windows PC i7-4770k 4.1ghz i owned, the jump to m1 mac mini was a huge improvement in terms of pushing more audio channels/plugins/applications without causing crackle pops etc...

    you make do with what you have... until that brickwall is reached, where no matter what you try, the physical limitations of a computers CPU becomes the brickwall

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 220 Pro

    Traktor 3.10 with M1 Pro at Sonoma 14.3.1. on S4MK3 works stable with no problems

  • dariodelima
    dariodelima Member Posts: 73 Advisor

    Traktor 3.11.1 with M1 Pro, OSX Ventura works stable never had a crash, to be honest before i was on mid 2012 macbook with Traktor 3.4.2 never had one crash in all that time. I upgraded last year to the macbook pro m1. downside is i had to give up on my xi mk1's as they became obsolite with the m1 macbooks and got the x1 mk3. As for stability with the m1 macbook have never had a crash since i got it with Traktor. i believe if you set it up correctly they are very stable, i play out 5 days a week in club enviroments, beach enviroments and bars, connect in Hid to cdj's in clubs or play connected to xdj -xz even the new opus quad with TSI's and have not had a single glitch with macbook pro m1 and traktor 3.4.2 or 3.11.1 even my mid 2012. @DJDL perhaps you are doing something wrong along the way, but to say many people are finding crashes is not true, many people find no issues. perhaps it is just the luck of the draw, who knows.

  • djsaschinger
    djsaschinger Member Posts: 1 Member

    traktor 3.11.1 on M3 Max 36GB Sonoma 14.3.1 no problems with S8, S4MK3, CDJ3000, DJM V10. only consistency check is not working. crashed with " not enough memory, close other programs" but no other programs are running. the same problem is with M1 Pro. so have to check consistency with Win 10 :)

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 766 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Have my MBP with M3 Max since December 2023. With my Xone:96 and Kontrol X1 Mk2 no issues and crashes until now. With my Kontrol S4 Mk3 it is still stable but have some flickering sometimes in TP3.

    And for anyone who thinks TP3 runs more stable via Rosetta: You don't need the old versions. Go to the folder where Traktor App is located, open the information window and tick "Open with Rosetta". As Traktor is an universal binary it runs the Intel code via Rosetta then. If it runs more stable than the native Apple Silicon code? Never tried it in a performance as I have no problems with my Apple Silicon machines so far.

  • TonyKid
    TonyKid Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hello guys.. today just arrived my new pc macbook pro 14 18 ram.. i installed traktor pro 11 last version and connect my s4 mi3 controller. When i scratched in deck a the sond stoped or freezing something like that so when i scratched again the song was playing normally.. is that a bug? Can anyone help me please?

  • TonyKid
    TonyKid Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Hello guys.. today just arrived my new pc macbook pro 14 18 ram m3 .. i installed traktor pro 11 last version and connect my s4 mk3 controller. When i scratched in deck a the sond stoped or freezing something like that so when i scratched again the song was playing normally.. is that a bug? Can anyone help me please?

    SMITHW1AU Member Posts: 14 Member

    Hello community. Do I need to go into my Macbook settings and toggle some button to allow TP3 to work?

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 766 Expert

    No, you have the latest version. It runs native on Apple Silicon.

  • DJDL
    DJDL Member Posts: 79 Helper


    The reason I stated that Traktor was unstable on Apple Silicon is because it was for me. Constantly, and while I am aware that every case is different and there are several possible causes, after of many months of trial and error, forum browsing, and messaging devs and other users, I found out that I was not alone. A quick foum search will reveal several topics stating freezes, audio cutouts and crashes. Users even came up with not-so-obvious ways of trying to minimize adverse events, like disabling certain functions or tweaking here and there.

    I was both relieved and frustrated to find out that I was not the only one with an M1 Mac crashing under all versions of ARM based Traktor. But they kept happening in spite of the workarounds, to a point where I did have to embrace other platforms for peace of mind and professional stability. At least this scenario gave me a lot of flexibility and reach, as I am now able to work with Traktor, Denon and Pioneer. Having spent the last couple of years learning the ins and outs of that other gear has reaffirmed my love for Traktor, which still remains my platform of choice. Nevertheless, lack of development and innovation is showing, and the other platforms keep coming out with new useful features and constant updates. Truth is, the only reason I use Denon more often than the rest is because of the convenience and portability of the Prime Go and not having to lug my laptop. As for Pioneer, showing up to an event with just a pair of headphones and a couple of USB sticks is unbeatable. These other platforms also suffer from bugs every now and then, and the software is very far from Traktor's elegance and ease of use. But time and time again, I come back to the joy of playing in Traktor whenever possible. I've mostly been using it for music organization and track preparation, as well as more complex events where I do need my laptop at hand.

    After a couple of OS updates (I am using Sonoma now), I am happy to say that Traktor has not crashed for me recently. About 25 hours of crash free playing in total, which definitely was not possible before. Perhaps updating the OS did the trick, and I keep my fingers crossed for now.

    I am glad there are many many users that have not experienced this, but it is definitely not an isolated case. Believe me, as I do not take it lightly and have spent hours upon hours trying to work it out.

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