With new update, Machine 2.1.5 gets hung on one VST and unable to Launch Progra

FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Up until this update my Machine 2 and Komplete Kontrol worked flawlessly. My Komplete Kontrol still does. However, I couldn’t believe it when my Machine 2 was scanning my pluggins, it got caught on one “Predator Pl”. I know the workaround changing the name of Machine pluggin folder inside of Application Support, and Machine 2 will start immediately without doing a VST scan. However, the only sounds you can load are the Native Instruments purchased additional libraries. Whenever you want to load a sound from any 3rd party pluggin, an error come’s up that it can’t find it.

What is going on? If I go back to the previous version 2,1.4, will that make the scan go successfully as it did before this update.i noticed you could go back to the previous version. Looking for a hero to save the day and teach me something that will fix this.



  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member

    I tried deleting my Machine 2 folder by holding Finder with alt button and then going into Application Support, Native Instruments, Machine 2. The video by Native Instruments support said on my next startup from my Mac would automatically do a reload and scan to “fix any VST scan hang-ons. It didn’t! The same exact “Predator PL” was stuck again and I could not do a startup. I have Rob Papen’s Predator 2 and 3. Both work just fine in Komplete Kontrol and in my Ableton and Cubase Daws. I don’t see a ‘Predator Pl” except in my Components folder. Don’t see one in VST or VST 3 pluggin folders. I tried deleting the “Predator Pl” component, and I still have the same problem. Interesting that when I did take out that file, my system didn’t ask me to put in my password to make a change. So, I know how to get my Machine 2 started by putting in a “-‘ intro the PlugSys so it doesn’t do a startup without a scan. I can load all the Machine add on Libraries and the Samples contained in them. I have been using Native Instruments products for at least 30 years. I know my way around the softwares, but I am stuck here. Native Instruments should take down the Instruction Video saying deleting the Machine 2 File inside of the hidden files in Native Instruments absolutely will fix any startup problems. I tried it twice and it just doesn’t work. I am a loyal musician who will share what I know and don’t know within the community. I know a lot of answers, just not the one since doing the update to Machine 2, 2.15 which has caused this problem. Again, my Komplete Kontrol is scanning and working perfectly. Look forward to someone’s help.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hi @FilmlessSoundtracks have you tried reinstalling the Maschine database to see if it helps?

    My MASCHINE 2 Browser is Empty or Incomplete

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member

    Yes. I followed N.I fix of deleting the Machine 2 file that can only be accessed by holding the alt and clicking on Finder which shows me The Machine 2, which I then have to delete, so the next time I try to start the program it will do a total database scan which opens up Machine 2, however, no access to my long list of pluggins. I can use only the N.I. Add on Libraries and all the sounds contained in them. Next time I try to launch the Machine 2, I get hung up at the exact same place of my pluggin scan with is “Predator Pl”.Fortunately, my Komplete Kontrol scan runs perfect. Is this what you referring to? Thank you for taking the time to look at my problem. I really appreciate that!

  • YentheSage
    YentheSage Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2022

    I would check to see if that plug-in is also installed in the Mac HD-data folder. If it is, delete it and hopefully that will take care of it. I’ve had this problem before with Massive X being installed there and Maschine never got passed it.

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited April 2022


    Thank you for taking the time to reply to me. I tried it and deleted it. Same problem, however? How about reloading Machine 2 in NATIVE ACCESS? It says Machine 2 is only a 315 MB. I have not tried that yet. I really appreciate your response. I am glad it fixed your problem and thank you for replying to mine.

  • YentheSage
    YentheSage Member Posts: 12 Member


    No prob, but I’m sorry that it didn’t help. Reinstalling Maschine is definitely worth a try in my opinion. Do you work in any other DAW? If so, does the Predator plugin work properly in that DAW?

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member

    I should add that “Predator Pl” is only showed as a Component. Not in VST or VST 3. The weird thing about this is my computer allows me to delete it without having to put in my password? Also weird is when I delete “Predator Pl” it still hangs on pluggin scan startup? ?????

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited April 2022

    Problem solved!

    it turned out to be a deletion of the Predator Pl which came up when I searched it. This time it did ask for my password. Very happy!

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member

    Next question.

    ‘How do you get rid of IK Multimedia’s time out FX that I didn’t want in the first place. In order to scan my pluggins, I was asked during the scan….

    Item Times Out

    Continue or Buy

    I needed to push Continue each of the at least 10 times this appeared during the scan. My Garage Band won’t open due to this. To be honest I really don’t like IK Mutimedia. Exception is Syntronik 2, however, the company is constantly bombarding me with adds and “Buy this, once we reach this amount you get…..”

    I would love to get rid of the Item Timed Out. “Continue or Buy”!

    Thank you for the people who wanted to help me on the hung up VST on my previous request. I guess if you want to know where anything is put a question in your question request at the top of your Mac desktop computer.

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited April 2022

    Not sure of my “Continue Buy” that I need to push an answer to about 10 times or more to get Machine 2 up & running. Could be a Cubase 11 Pro Suite problem. Two pieces of advice.

    #1 Don’t load all the “Free” VST pluggins offered for all of Steinberg Cubase VST Instruments! Nothing comes free! Instead, take your time and only download the one’s you know you will pay for after the “Trial Period”, which they fail to mention when you add it to your Steinberg Program Manager.

    #2 If you did like I did, Cubase will open, but before it does, a list of all the products that haven’t been found (purchased} will show up as “Unable to install (instrument or presets) before the project GUI startup is available. They say you can just delete these in the Steinberg Program Manager, by just pushing the “remove” available on everything relating to your Cubase DAW! If you do so, next time it will say it can’t find the item(s), you just have removed. You will be unable to open Cubase.

    One other thing about Cubase which I learned back when I had Cubase 9.5. When you first install it, it will say “can’t find pluggin”, ok VST Instrument will be put in the Cubase VST Manager Black List. DO NOT DO IT. WAIT PATIENTLY and after a minute or so oh, wow, we found it. If you do not wait for these to be found you will , I say again, you will be putting the pluggins into the “Black List”, which means even if it’s a vst3 instrument you will NOT be able to use it. If you try to transfer a VST from the Black List to the VST Manager, say GOOD BYE TO CUBASE.

    Just fyi my fellow musicians.


  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member


    Looking to see what is going on and how to stop VST scans on startup of Machine 2 and GarageBand. I get the following which I keep getting repeated and repeated and repeated. The problem shows up as follows.


    i need to select continue to do this only on the startup VST scan. Once I keep pushing, CONTINUE, after 10 or so times the repeated “CONTINUE” finally ends and Machine 2 is up and ready to go.

    My other problem is the exact same thing for GarageBand, except it crashes on startup every time.I am unable to open GarageBand.

    Interesting that my Ableton Live 11 Suite, Cubase 11 Pro, Reason 12 Suite and Komplete Kontrol don’t have any problems on startup. I mentioned some more additional information above this comment. Appreciate your help, all-ways!


  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2022

    Solved my Machine 2 Scan with “Continue Purchase” having to be repeatedly pressing each time it comes up. Answer was easy,

    The solution is opening up Machine 2 inside of a DAW. Instant start up with every plug-in I have. Now Machine 2 can be used both as a solo instrument or added to what I am working on in the DAW. Anyone that has a problem with Machine 2 startup, should try just opening it inside of a DAW.

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    @FilmlessSoundtracks said:

    Looking to see what is going on and how to stop VST scans on startup of Machine 2 and GarageBand. 

    You can also stop Maschine scanning VSTs by hitting the ESC key as well: Speed Up Startup and disable plugin scanning

    Btw there's a small issue with the latest Maschine update (2.1.5) so I wonder if this might be related to that since you said it worked differently before. Will update you when the fix is out.

  • FilmlessSoundtracks
    FilmlessSoundtracks Member Posts: 31 Member
    edited May 2022

    Thank you, Kaiwan. Appreciate your assistance and comments. I deleted the “PREDATOR-PL” and uninstalled the T-RAK-5 demos that come up with, (CONTINUE or BUY), with that product so IKMULTIMEDIA can force you to buy all due to it can stop scans. I downloaded T-racks 5 latest installer and instead of using the load software (which I already had installed), and just deleted it. By by 14 demos, so no more click to CONTINUE or BUY! I am good to go on everything. I did update my Machine 2 (2.1.5) and I am pretty sure they need to fix it. Not all updates actually help the user. Anyway, thank you again for helping me out!


  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,936 admin

    Hey @FilmlessSoundtracks just a heads up that a new version of Maschine (2.15.1) has just been released. Can you please update your Maschine and see if those VSTs still hang?

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