Traktor please wait while filtering bug

Dav195 Member Posts: 27 Member

Did any one manged to fix this bug?because it's so annoying while playing or scrolling and the software is so laggy (music doesn't lag but the software does) i a windows 10, 12 GB RAM AND I7 processor)and was running rekordbox without any lag)



  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    Here is a large thread about it:

    No solution yet. Only a few workarounds:

    • Avoid filter / search
    • Avoid sorting the playlist for anything other then #
    • Keep playlists small

    It's atrocious and Traktor dev team have been aware for years.

  • Dav195
    Dav195 Member Posts: 27 Member

    I am using this method but sometimes i need to sort by bpm and it's so annoying

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    You and me and everyone else too, brother.

    A workaround that amounts to "don't use the feature" is not a workaround.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    I am using this method but sometimes i need to sort by bpm and it's so annoying

    You may sort it by BMP, consolidate it and sort it by #. It wil be sorted by BMP.

    If you want to keep playlist in untached # order, copy the playlist to another playlist and then sort, consolidate and sort by # again.

    A workaround that amounts to "don't use the feature" is not a workaround.

    If one uses small collection, flickering is almost invisible. So, another workaround is using small collection.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 587 Guru
    edited February 2024

    If one uses small collection, flickering is almost invisible.

    You're really annoying me so much!

    I have now reinstalled Traktor on my second laptop. Fresh OS and Traktor with a new library (the original demo content only).

    The flickering is clearly visible when I open the collection, for example like here just sorted by bpm:

    So, another workaround is using small collection.

    No, it's not!

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert
    edited February 2024

    We told Kubra many times that a small collection still has flickering, even on a fast computer. He acknowledges it and a few weeks later he says it again :D

    I don't know why though.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    The flickering is clearly visible when I open the collection, for example like here just sorted by bpm:

    If you call this flickering than.... No help. It just redraws here and there. And beside that, I wrote that one has to consolidate after sorting and sort by #.... And even fresh Traktor install has over 700 tracks/samples in collection. That is, say, 60 LPs.


    I have agreed that there is flickering if one edits tags.. Not that it is there under any condition with decent size collection. And it is understandable, that the bigger collection is the more visible it will be...

  • Hirschie
    Hirschie Member Posts: 22 Helper

    The problem is on the roadmap, but actually gets no priority. :-(

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 587 Guru
    edited March 2024

    yes, i call this flickering because it is flickering... what else? you just bringing the same lame "work arounds" which aren't even that. just truncating the browser to limit its natural function so that the problem occurs as little as possible. among other things: who, please, who has fewer than 700 tracks in their library? I refrain from accusing other users of trolling just because of netiquette, but what you are doing is very much in that direction.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,101 Expert

    The solution is easy. If one minds "flickering", he might use different DJ SW. Or wait whether NI makes it better or not. "Flickering" is in Traktor for several years, so ....

    My guess is.... Maybe Traktor 4 Pro.

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