Machine 2 Templates

Evan Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Maschine

Hi All,

I am using Logic X with Maschine 2.

I have started to save my beats onto my Maschine that I have created.

Every time I go to use them again, Logic freezes and I get the Rainbow wheel??

Anyone know the reason why?

It just freezes here and doesn't go any further.



  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    How long do you wait? Is the plugin rescanning perhaps? Which version of logic and Maschine?

  • Evan
    Evan Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I had another go this morning, left it for around 30 minutes. came back to my computer and still had the rainbow wheel.

    Currently using:

    Logic: 10.7.3

    Maschine 2: 2.150

    I reinstalled Maschine today and still done the same thing.

    I have managed to delete all the presets now. But hesitant to continue to save new ones as this may happen again.

    Thanks for your message.

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