Is there a way to implement instruments into the Maschine DAW when i don't have a *.dll or *vst ?

Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hi there,

becaus it's so easy to use, i mostly take Maschine DAW as my "composing DAW", and then i put the pieces into Studio One to mix and finish.

Among other stuff, I've got two virtual instruments (Izotope's "Break Tweaker" and a synth called "Vital") that don't come with an *.dll or *vst- File to put into the VST-Folder, und so they don't appear inside the Maschine DAW. Inside Studio One (and also Cubase) i can use them just like "normal" VST-instrument.

Has anyone an idea, what to do to implement them also in Maschine ?


CP 😎

Best Answers

  • skrutiny
    skrutiny Member Posts: 23 Member
    Answer βœ“

    I'm running vst3's in mashine using this vst2 wrapper works a treat as long as you do not update to to the latest version of mashine. Also, i have vital running good. If it were me in your situation i would try removing all missing vst's from their existing folders, run maschine, rescan vst folders, close maschine, create a new folder with the offending vsts, open maschine, add the new folder path in prefs and scan. And if that didnt work i would roll back to the previous maschine release. I'm wondering if you are having these issues since the update. The fact that the vst2 wrapper does not work in recent update suggests to me that changes have been made to the vst coding and simply having a couple of vst3 files could well be the culprit. It's weird that only nks vst3's will be supported dont ya fink.

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2022 Answer βœ“


    ok, some kind of reckless stupidity took control because of this tenacious problem and before this screenshot was made, but by looking at the screenshot, i saw the mistake, moved the plug-ins into the correct list (preferences->plugins->locations) shut down and restarted Maschine again without having success, made another screenshot - - - - - > and postet the false one. ...but the locations from the vst-folders are in the correct list πŸ™‚ ... I'm sorry, it was something that i didn't realize before and that caused confusion.

    Meanwhile I downgraded to 2.14.7 and that brought Break Tweaker an Iris back. Problem solved πŸ˜†

    Last thing to say is: a big "Thank You all very much" for Your constant help !

    Greetings πŸ˜ŽπŸ€˜πŸ‘οΈ


  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    the product page for Break Tweaker says it is available as AAX, AU, RTAS, VST and VST3, so since VST is available, you should be able to use it in Maschine… make sure Maschine is scanning the same locations a Studio One and Cubase and it should be available…

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2022

    Thank You, Blindeddie ... at first i meant that the vst's are missing, but now i see that the problem is, Maschine doesn't implement a whole vst-folder while it implements three other vst-folders without problems. ...same SSD, same partition, ... but no Break Tweaker, no Iris synthesizer, none of the effects,... :(

    no error messages, and also some rescans (or copying every vst3-file into a brand new folder-location and adding it to Maschine references, too) didn't solve the problem. Inside Studio One and Cubase all instruments and effects are available and work fine.

    it's a little bit strange to me, that when i start the Maschine DAW, the missing vst's are scanned and shown/counted during the starting process, but they aren't shown in the pop-up list (except "Izotope Breath Control") after the starting process is over and Maschine is ready to work.



  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert
    edited April 2022

    Maschine currently only supports ".VST3" of NI Plugins, so the ".VST3" plugins listed in your VST_Data folder will not work in Maschine. If you have "VST2" versions, those will work.

    as for the duplicate RX8, that appears to be 2 different plugins based on the different Developer name "the one with "Inc." and the one without.

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank You again, but after changing the *.vst3's into their *.dll's (vst2's), then restarting Maschine and also restarting the computer, the problem stays unchanged.

    I have no idea, why maschine behaves like this, ...and only with these particular plugins.

    OK, here in Germany it's 40 minutes to midnight; i have to go to sleep, because tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. i have to get up. 😁

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,887 admin

    Hi @Citipunk have you tried reinitializing the database to see if it helps?

    My MASCHINE 2 Browser is Empty or Incomplete

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi Kaiwan,

    thank You, I remebered once reading this workaround (deleting some files and let Maschine make new ones) but didn't find it anymore.

    Unfortunaltely after deleting both files (favorites.db3 + komplete.db3), then restarting Windows and opening Maschine (and after that, deleting files once again and also reinstalling Maschine via Native Access), nothing changed, the parts that were missing before this procedure are still not there.

    And it's also a little bit weird to me, that the missing VST's (e.g. Break Tweaker, Iris, Neoverb,all EQ's and Compressors etc. from this Folder) are being scanned during the Maschine starting process, but i can't choose them in Maschine.

    ...maybe i have to face a problem that's anchored deeper inside the Windows-System, instead of a "Maschine-Problem" ?

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Is it possible that they are 32bit Plugins and not 64bit, you should be able to tell by right clicking and going to β€œproperties” and selecting the details tab. I had some 32 bit plugins and noticed that they scanned, but never registered. Since Maschine is 64bit VST2 only, that could be the issue. And I saw that you did the whole db reset thing which unfortunately has nothing to do with plugin registration, but rather just a fix for missing NKS presets…so that would not have fixed this issue.

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hello Blindeddie,

    thank You for the next advice and still trying to help me.

    All these VSTs are 64bit-Versions (in their VST2- and their VST3-Versions, but in the meantime i sorted the VST3-versions out of the folder). I'm a little irritated, because i found in older recordings of mine (about summer 2021) some Break Tweaker-Tracks, but i never tried to manage to use Break Tweaker inside Studio One, so this should mean, that in the past Break Tweaker definitely had worked inside Maschine.

    Unfortunately i don't have the "raw Maschine-Composition File" any more, only the recorded Studio One File, where the Break Tweaker Track appears as an imported Soundfile (drag&drop export from Maschine into S1), not an instrument file.

  • Blindeddie
    Blindeddie Member Posts: 1,559 Expert

    Can you confirm that the plugins are "Not" showing on the Preferences->Plug-ins->Manager page...

  • skrutiny
    skrutiny Member Posts: 23 Member
    Answer βœ“

    I'm running vst3's in mashine using this vst2 wrapper works a treat as long as you do not update to to the latest version of mashine. Also, i have vital running good. If it were me in your situation i would try removing all missing vst's from their existing folders, run maschine, rescan vst folders, close maschine, create a new folder with the offending vsts, open maschine, add the new folder path in prefs and scan. And if that didnt work i would roll back to the previous maschine release. I'm wondering if you are having these issues since the update. The fact that the vst2 wrapper does not work in recent update suggests to me that changes have been made to the vst coding and simply having a couple of vst3 files could well be the culprit. It's weird that only nks vst3's will be supported dont ya fink.

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi there,

    after un- and re-installing the whole Izotope- effects- and instruments- suites (Neutron 3 + Ozone 9; Break Tweaker + Iris), the two instruments Break Tweaker and Iris aren't shown in the DAW-Menu and YES, Blindeddie: they also don't appear inside the File -> Preferences -> PlugIns -> Manager-List. But by now, the whole Neutron- and Ozone- effectsuites are available and they all work properly. Even Vital and my latest music-toy Serum now are ready to go :)

    Scrutiny, many thanks fΓΌr the hint about this vst2-wrapper, and You're right, too -> with a pre-2.15 version of maschine during summer 2021, break tweaker definitely worked. I think i'd try out the vst-wrapper, but i don't know, how i can roll back to a previous maschine release before 2.15; Native Access only grades UP and not DOWN πŸ™„

  • Kaiwan_NI
    Kaiwan_NI Administrator Posts: 2,887 admin

    I'm stumped. Let's loop @Jeremy_NI in in case he has a solution.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,200 mod
    edited April 2022

    @Citipunk Something looks weird to me in your screenshots. This section is Preferences - Library - User.

    This section is not for VST plug-ins. It is the user library, for your Maschine saved presets, your projects or your recordings. All these VST folders have nothing to do here.

    The VST folders should be removed from there and added in Preferences - Plug-Ins - Locations

    Then hit rescan.

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2022 Answer βœ“


    ok, some kind of reckless stupidity took control because of this tenacious problem and before this screenshot was made, but by looking at the screenshot, i saw the mistake, moved the plug-ins into the correct list (preferences->plugins->locations) shut down and restarted Maschine again without having success, made another screenshot - - - - - > and postet the false one. ...but the locations from the vst-folders are in the correct list πŸ™‚ ... I'm sorry, it was something that i didn't realize before and that caused confusion.

    Meanwhile I downgraded to 2.14.7 and that brought Break Tweaker an Iris back. Problem solved πŸ˜†

    Last thing to say is: a big "Thank You all very much" for Your constant help !

    Greetings πŸ˜ŽπŸ€˜πŸ‘οΈ

  • Citipunk
    Citipunk Member Posts: 12 Member

    ... after bringing back to live these two instruments inside Maschine 2 / V.2.14.7, just out of curiosity i updated again to 2.15, and it still works. Either I repaired also some other Izotope/Maschine-issues during these many de- and re-installs, or maybe V.2.15 is less tolerant with external vst-instruments while v.2.14.7 isn't too fussy with them; what counts is what it's like at the road's end. 😎

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