Komplete Kontrol Integration issues with Pro Tools

robhanson Member Posts: 4 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

After working with NI and Avid support I was unable to integrate the Komplete Kontrol S88mk 2 with Pro Tools. Which means everything is connected and controller list and setup, but nothing working. The cue that there was some connectivity was the blue outlines around 8 of the tracks. Still no transport, MIMI, Mix controls on the KK or in Pro Tools.

The fix: Occasionally DAW’s lose their minds and sometimes the fix is to delete all setup and preferences and let the DAW rebuild them the next time you launch them. For me, the fix was to delete all the setup/preferences. Also just adding new hardware, may require letting the DAW rebuild its setup and preferences.

On a PC their a located in C:\Users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Roaming\Avid\Pro Tools. Before deleting the contents be sure “back up the files” before deleting them. Reboot the system, turn on the MIDI controller first and then launch Pro Tools.

I hope this helps others!

Kind Regards,

Rob Hanson

Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey Rob, thanks a lot for your post, that could be really helpful. We're actually investigating these issues on our side. I'm writing this down for future troubleshooting.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod
    Answer ✓

    Well, from the video, it seems you are having issues with Kontakt and not Komplete Kontrol. Please check this article: KONTAKT's Volume Resets When I Press Play in my DAW

    Does unticking that box fix the issue?



  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey Rob, thanks a lot for your post, that could be really helpful. We're actually investigating these issues on our side. I'm writing this down for future troubleshooting.

  • RGBand
    RGBand Member Posts: 19 Member

    jeremy any word on protools and the new s88 mk3 working together- it was supposed to be late 2023 when the fix would be in.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    @RGBand Well, it must come from Avid, I'm trying to get more information on that.

  • Lhbr
    Lhbr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Hi all. I got the same problem. My transport buttons wont work. I can use komplete Kontrol etc. as plugin, and sound is awesome. The sampled instruments ate the best I have heard so far so NI its very very cool. I cant see any DAW driver though. I dont know if it should be there, but I saw mk2 has one. Maby its removed I dont know. But I have som issues where sometimes I can play the keyboard right away and sometimes I cant. When I cant play its like I cant tjek the midi input and output. All other midi input and output is easy to tjeck. I dont know if it has something to do if that DAW driver is missing maby?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    @Lhbr More info would be welcome. What is your operating system? What version of Pro Tools are you using? Waht keyboard do you have? MK2, MK3? Is everything functional in Komplete Kontrol in standalone?

  • Lhbr
    Lhbr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Yes Jeremy Im using win.10 and as I remb. its Pro Tools 2021.12(I can tjeck it out tommorow to be sure). My keyboard is MK3. In komplete kontrol everything is working normally but sometimes in the midi preferences the tjeckmarks disapire and the keyboard wont work. If I plug the keyboard out sometimes I can tjeck the midi input and midi output again and sometimes not. My play, record, etc. Dont lightup and when I push Them in Pro tools with out light then they just say a beep sound.

  • Lhbr
    Lhbr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Update Jeremy pro tools is version 2021.12.0

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    @Lhbr Support for host integration of the Kontrol Mk3 keyboards came with Pro Tools 2023/12.

  • Lhbr
    Lhbr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    I saw it on your support site Jeremy. Maby I wrong but is it only for MK2? My problem is that when I do like described. Then the midiports are not automaticly applied. I dont see the Komplete DAW driver. I have selected Komplete Kontrol as midi keyboard but must chose Komplete Kontrol midi in and out manualy. When I do that maby play, record, stop etc. button is not lighting up.

    Maby I doing something wrong but dont think so.

    Thank you for trying to help🤗

  • bzone
    bzone Member Posts: 39 Member

    I had the same problem with Mac OS Ventura on a 7.1 Mac. Reset the keyboard and in peripherals it set it self so there was daw control. however when the session was saved and reopened there was now daw control. Browse and Plug in buttons were not functioning until you clicked on the plug in on the track on screen. The mk3 window does not always go back to the plug in if you select track either. It all works well in Logic on a Mac. Is it working in Windows? Im thinking Avid needs to update their software.

  • Lhbr
    Lhbr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Bzone thanks for replying. I havr aldready tryed to resetting the keyboard with no luck. Im on Windows and I dont know if thats the problem cos cant see the Komplete_DAW midiports only Komplete Kontrol and then the transport dont light. When I press ect. Play its saying a simple clock tone, but no playing the tracks.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    @Lhbr As I wrote already. Support for the MK3 keyboards require Pro Tools 2023/12:

    Pro Tools 2023.12 now available: includes official support for Kontrol S MK3

    You wrote you have version 2021.12.0, so only the MK2 version of the keyboard is supported for this old version of Pro Tools.

  • Lhbr
    Lhbr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Ahr sorry Jeremy🙈 My fault😅 Thank you very much, I will download it as soon as possible. Thank you Im so pleased for your helt.

    Have a nice evening.

    Best reguleres..

  • Lhbr
    Lhbr Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

    Hi again Jeremy and all others. Im so happy now cos now its all working. I dont know if anyone else is still having problem with transport controls but what worked for me was updating Pro Tools Im now on Pro Tools Studio 2024.3.0 and updated Native Access to the newest version, same with Komplete Kontrol. After that I loaded Pro Tools and in Peripherals>Midi Controllers #1

    Type > I chose Komplete Kontrol

    Receive from > MIDIIN2 (KONTROL S49 MK3) (Emuleret)

    Send to > MIDIOUT2 (KONTROL S49 MK3) (Emuleret)

    And there all transport controls are working like play, stop record and so on. Its so cool you cant imagine. I hope maby it can help others how are struggeling with this problem.

    Im on Windows 10 pro.

    I wich you all the best luck and a big big thanks to you Jeremy;-) Im a fan of NI now I promise.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,542 mod

    @Lhbr Thanks for the feedback and happy that you got it working.

This discussion has been closed.
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