Lock Group to Singular MIDI source while keeping Focus enabled

Sarkstik Demon
Sarkstik Demon Member Posts: 5 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I was wondering if it would be possible to set a MIDI in for a group rather than a sound. When setting a MIDI in for a sound, it removes the Focus feature. This means that if there are two sounds in a group with the same MIDI input, it will play both sounds at the same time. I'd really love to have a group for each of my MIDI keyboards, and a nice bank of sounds to switch between with the pads. I can't do that if all the sounds play at once. Using the Focus feature does not allow for MIDI input to be set, so each keyboard plays the same sound. Also setting the routing to manual for the group doesn't allow the keyboard to be played like a keyboard, it essentially just turns it into a drum kit. I know that is somewhat of a specific desire, but I was just wondering if anybody else has attempted this in the past.

Any help is appreciated and have a great rest of your day.

** Also full disclosure, I asked on the Maschine subreddit and did not hear back so I figured I'd try on here just to reach a wider audience **


Best Answer

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited February 2024 Answer ✓

    you are on a good thing if you use Reaper in conjunction with the MaschineVST !!!

    i have experimented and built a template around a loop based setup...with the tools & scripts available in the Reaper community... needless to say... adding the functionality you require into the template would seem straight forward within reaper...

    but as i dont work in a linear timeline fashion... rather utilise multiple MaschineVST instances it would only require that i pay attention to midi channels and isolate them

    but heres an example of the template i created... i share this video often... in an attempt to cultivate interest for people who wish to learn about reaper/maschine! dont be fooled by it being only a loopbased template.. Reaper has so many configuration options its can be overwhelming!


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited February 2024

    i believe you can set the desired instrument to a specific channel, and likewise set a specific midi input device for control

    select sound (beside "group") (insert your instrument sound)

    select input on the left hand side(beside "Master") and then go into midi... select your input device&channel to transmit on

    assuming thats what you were wanting to do??

    just make sure you have your keyboard ticked in preferences/midi input, then it will show up as an option as the input device on the previous step

  • Sarkstik Demon
    Sarkstik Demon Member Posts: 5 Member

    Thanks for getting back to me! Yeah that is a potential workaround that I was thinking of, but I was just wondering if it was at all possible to just switch sounds with the pads. It would just be more convenient to be able to do that than to switch channels on the Keyboards themselves. If it's not possible to do that then so be it, but I was just wondering if it was possible.

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited February 2024

    in theory you can do what you are asking..... im guessing here...

    but this would be how you could have it setup... whereby you can use mute/unmute to access the instrument required

    set all instruments needed on a single group.... each with different channel...and then use mute/unmute as the trigger or Solo... which ever choice you choose

    the reality however will be the midi signals will still be sending in the background, i would assume... unless the mutes prevent midi signals from going out... *shrugs. again i'm guessing!!


    set all instruments needed on a single group.... each with different same channel...and then use mute/unmute as the trigger or Solo... which ever choice you choose

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    the reality of independant midi control soon hits home if one chooses to use Maschine standalone versus a DAW context!

  • Sarkstik Demon
    Sarkstik Demon Member Posts: 5 Member

    Unfortunately the Midi signal still gets sent when using the Mute/ Solo functions. So although I would only be hearing one of the sounds, it will still send midi data to all of them (I'd imagine it wouldn't if I toggled channels though). Also I was trying to stay inside of standalone just because everything interfaces and controls really well with the hardware from there, but I for sure need to experiment with using it in a DAW context for sure. I have Reaper, so it wouldn't automatically interface like it does with Ableton but I'm sure there are options available. Thank you for your help, I really do appreciate it a whole bunch!

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited February 2024 Answer ✓

    you are on a good thing if you use Reaper in conjunction with the MaschineVST !!!

    i have experimented and built a template around a loop based setup...with the tools & scripts available in the Reaper community... needless to say... adding the functionality you require into the template would seem straight forward within reaper...

    but as i dont work in a linear timeline fashion... rather utilise multiple MaschineVST instances it would only require that i pay attention to midi channels and isolate them

    but heres an example of the template i created... i share this video often... in an attempt to cultivate interest for people who wish to learn about reaper/maschine! dont be fooled by it being only a loopbased template.. Reaper has so many configuration options its can be overwhelming!

  • Sarkstik Demon
    Sarkstik Demon Member Posts: 5 Member

    That's totally awesome dude! Thank you for sharing! I think that's for sure the route I need to go down then. I'm aware of Reaper's modifiable nature, which along with it's cheap price point is why I decided to go with it, but haven't actually learned a whole lot about utilizing it yet. This will for sure give me something to experiment with though! I really do appreciate your help! It means a lot!

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited February 2024

    once you have the basics of reaper down pat... ie... using midi devices/VST's/ setting sample rates /loop points /selection ranging/Paths & toyed around with the theme adjuster track control/hide etc (under options/themes)

    only then begin looking at installing SWS extensions & Reapack...

    if at that point you are competent with the basics... hit me up... if the above type of template interests you

  • Sarkstik Demon
    Sarkstik Demon Member Posts: 5 Member

    Sounds good! Thank you!

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