Traktor Pro 3 freezes for seconds with audio dropouts

DJ Robbie
DJ Robbie Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hello good day, I have the Traktor Pro 3 on my laptop, but working with it makes it almost impossible because whenever I load a track into the next deck, it freezes for seconds with audio dropouts.

I have an i7 with 6gb 500gb s

Thanks for a technical advices



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    edited April 2022


    first this forum is in english only, so others can also read it and if they have the same problem they can find the solution, you can easily translate online with google translate for example. So what hardware do you use exactly, what audio interface. Can you please describe it a bit more?


  • EyeontheNRGetic
    EyeontheNRGetic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I am having dropout issues with audio on my Traktor S5 with Traktor Pro 3.

    Using the Kontrol X1 and Kontrol F1 as supplementary controllers.

    I've resorted to all the trouble shooting guides, I've deleted unused apps from my computer, I've even deleted my library completely on my device and solely use my external hard drive for files to play. Do I have too many files on my drive?

    what should my latency be set at? I've tried everything and this is so frustrating, please help.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod
    edited December 2022


    what are the exact specs of your computer and have you also tried latencymon? It is a program showing you what causes delays in audio computing. Could be wifi or wlan and you have to deactivate bith and many more things. Native describes it also in the article about computer optimisation for audio but on the latencymon website you also find some tutorial.

  • EyeontheNRGetic
    EyeontheNRGetic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks, yeah I've tried latencymon and optimized the computer on all energy settings and sound settings. i've tried unplugging unused USB ports, minimizing my set up from the X1 and F1 with the S5 to just the S5.

    I am using a Windows 11, 12th gen intel , Core i5-1235u , 1300 mhz

    perhaps because my virtual and physical memory is so low, 1.5 and 1.8 gb. so when I am running Traktor Pro 3 my Memory usage fluctuates from 85 - 90% or higher.

    I've never had this problem on any other computer's I've used in the past though it is difficult for me to reference those settings at the moment.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,308 mod

    Memory could be an issue, maybe you can upgrade it. Also you could check with cpu-z what exactly are the specs of your ram. And what are the exact settings under audio tab in traktor, i guess asio and then out 1-2 master and 3-4 headphones? What latency settings have you set? You could also try asio4all but then you have to activate output 3-4 under advanced settings tab of asio4all by clicking the wrench icon.

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