New mac setup - still have to re-download all expansions?

davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

I have all my expansions on an external. A couple of years ago when I moved to a new mac I had to re-download and install all my expansions, rather than being able to relocate (ala kontakt) or being able to point to a folder in maschine. Is that still the case?


  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited April 2022

    When logging into Native Access on your new computer, you'll see a 'Relocate' or 'Reinstall' popping-up when clicking on 'Repair'.

    Point them in the according directory and that should do the trick.

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member

    @Nico_NI Thanks, but that's for kontakt libraries. Can you now do that for expansions too?

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited April 2022
  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2022

    @Nico_NI I don't have that option on my system. Remember, this is a new mac so maschine etc has had to be installed from scratch which means it has no 'repair' because as far as its aware, I've never installed Hexagon Highway. FYI, I also don't have the repair option for kontakt libraries either, just install or locate. Locate does NOT appear for maschine or battery though.

    I think you're getting confused between installations and moving libraries?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited April 2022

    Correct, same experience here.

    There's a trick to make NA think the products are installed so you can use the "Relocate" function if you still have access to your old mac:

    1. In Finder go to HD ➡ Library ➡ Preferences
    2. Look for .Plist files that start with "com.native-instruments.XYZ-product-name" and copy them from the old computer to the new one to the same folder.
    3. Then just start NA and you can use the Relocate thingy.

    Works on M1's too, here's an example:

    Try it for just 1 Expansion first, if it's all good do the rest.

  • davemacp
    davemacp Member Posts: 39 Member

    @D-One Cheers man, but I've started a mass re-download so I'll just let it crack on and burn NI's servers 😅

    Hopefully someone else finds it useful 👍️

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