Anyone else have issues with Kontrol S88 crashing Logic?

danstein Member Posts: 3 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi, all. New poster here, just got hold of a new S88 Mk3 and I'm having some problems with it.

I am able to open Kontakt 7 standalone and it works fine with the S88. I can also open en empty instance of K7 inside of Ableton Live, load an .nki, and everything works fine. But if I open Logic I can load an empty instance of K7, but if I then try to load an .nki into the instance, Logic crashes immediately - no popups, no messages.

To head off a few questions:

I am on Mac Sonoma 14.2.1, Logic 10.8.1, Kontakt 7 Player 7.8.0. The Kontrol S88 is brand new, I ran the firmware updater on it when I set it up so it is at OS 1.5.5

I have run through various troubleshooting protocols and definitievly determined that it is the Kontrol S88 causing this behavior. It only occurs when the S88 is connected, in any other scenario Logic and Kontakt both behave as expected.

Hoping someone here has had a similar issue and found a resolution? I like the keyboard so far (3 days into ownership) but since I'm Logic-based it's a bit of a problem.

Best Answers



  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 687 Guru
    edited January 2024

    Try to delete Logic pref file and Control Surfaces pref file. Restart Logic and see if it helps. Also, untick MIDI 2.0 in Logic, as it is buggy as hell.

    There is something odd about NI software and Logic. I’m not pointing fingers, can be Apple’s bugs, but one would think that as Logic is the most popular DAW on Mac platform, NI should make sure that everything works flawlessly with Logic…

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod
    Answer ✓

    @danstein It's a known bug. Please check this thread: komplete kontrol mk3 crashing logic with Kontakt 7 (KT-8692)

    For now, if you're on Sonoma, the only workaround is to use the Komplete Kontrol plug-in instead in Logic.

  • danstein
    danstein Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Hi, @Jeremy_NI - thanks for the answer. Subsequent to posting here, someone over on VI-C gave me the answer as well.

    Do you have any idea what priority level this bug is? I'd hope fairly major (i.e. I can hope for a soon-ish fix)?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @danstein Priority is pretty high but the bug is still being investigated, we're also waiting for some feedback from Apple. Unfortunately, no ETA for a fix to share.

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    I still have these problems together with a new Komplete Kontrol S88 MK3 together with Kontakt 7:

    Logic crashes when using several new libraries like Omnia choir library. Ableton Live 12 suddenly reboots MacOS without any warning. The only DAW I can use my equipment from NI in a normal way is Reason Studio…

    This makes me sad, because all I could do would be rolling back to MacOS 13, but I won‘t, because it can give me more problems…

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    @mediacave AS mentioned in this thread, there is a known bug with the MK3 keyboards when used with Kontakt 7 as a plug-in in Logic. The workaround is to use Komplete Kontrol as a plug-in instead. You can load the same libraries.

    You mention a reboot of the whole Mac, that could indicate another bug, Does this alos happen when the keyboard is not connected? Do you have a M2/M3 Max, Pro or Ultra?

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    Hello @Jeremy_NI

    I use an newly purchased M3 Max Macbook Pro. I haven't tested this without the MK3 Keyboard, yet. But it only happens, when I use NI Plugins in Ableton Live. It doesn't matter, if it is via Komplete Kontrol or Kontakt. Every now and then, when I load up a Library in Kontakt 7 or Komplete Kontrol, the Computer Screen gets black and MacOS reboots my computer. The Log-File looks different from the one in Logic.

    When using the Kontakt Libraries in Logic via Komplete Kontrol it seems to work (haven't tested all Libraries yet, but the problematic ones like Omnia run fine via KK in Logic.)

    Another Question: As the MK3 Keyboard gets powered via the USB-C connection which is also used for Data transmission: is there a way for a separate power supply for the keyboard, just to divide power supply from data transmission on the same bus?

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    So my conclusion:

    1. Komplete Kontrol S88 MK3 runs fine together in Reason Studio no matter if I use Kontakt 7 or Komplete Kontrol Software
    2. Komplete Kontrol S88 MK3 runs fine together in Logic if I use Komplete Kontrol Software only
    3. Komplete Kontrol S88 MK3 runs fine in Ableton Live 12 if I use it as a simple MIDI Keyboard. When Using NI Stuff (mainly tested: Kontakt libraries) it completely crashes my MacOS (black screen and reboot, no warning) - no matter if K7 or KK is used.

  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 687 Guru

    Kontakt and Mk3 series used together crashing Mac is a known bug. NI stated that the remedy has to come from Apple and that they are in contact with them.

    There were also unconfirmed reports that Sonoma 14.5 (beta) fixes that.

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    Ok, thank you for the info. The only thing I wonder about, is that this issue has different outcomes: in Reason everything seems to work fine, Logic: crash by just ending the app, Ableton Live: complete reboot with kernel panic… and therefore the report files look different.

    So I will wait patiently for Apple rolling out an Update that will fix this issue.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    Yes @mediacave Unfortunately there is also a bug with M2/M3 Pro, Max & Ultra macs. You can read more about here: Kontakt 7.7.3 causing Mac kerel panic crashes and reboots M2 Mac Pro (KT-8785)

    I believe Reason uses the VST3 format, so I imagine the issue is only with AU/component on Macs. You might want to try the vST3 in Ableton as weel.

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    @Jeremy_NI the link you have provided is about external screens. I use an AOC U32U1 hooked by HDMI. I will try, if this happens also if I disconnect that screen. And also will try using vst instead of au plugins. I tried updating screen firmware, but sadly AOC only supports windows, there is no app for MacOS…

    Hopefully Sonoma 14.5 will wipe away these issues.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,437 mod

    There are more threads, some users don't even need an external monitor to reproduce it, a M3 Pro Macbook seems to be enough.

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member
    edited May 2024

    @Jeremy_NI strange thing happened: Today I pulled my external Screen out of the Macbooks HDMI port, after that I started my S88 Mk3, fired up Ableton Live and was looking for VST version of the plugins, none there, but: I risked to start Komplete Kontrol Software and it didn‘t crash. Loaded a critical Library (Omnia Choir) - the Macbook went stable and didn‘t reboot. Now I took another risk and plugged my AOC U32U1 back into the hdmi port of the Macbook. And tadaaa: no crash.

    Next thing: I shut down my Macbook for a few hours and left my S88 on. Restarted MBP and tested again in Ableton: as far as I can say it still works. My question now is, did those two hardware components allocate the same system ressources and one of them wrote into the territory of the other? This makes me really curious what the technical aspect of this issue is, to understand how I can prevent this in future.

    Sadly the issue reoccured as I again restarted my MBP. 🙄😔 So I thought I had the solution, but no…

  • mediacave
    mediacave Member Posts: 19 Member

    Updated Sonoma to 14.5 beta4 and the issue in Ableton Live seems to be gone. Made music for 2h and Komplete Kontrol worked as expected. I hope this error will never come back again. Developers of Apple should ban the source code files with these bugs from their servers to prevent them from ever being compiled again. 😂

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