Position button on MK3

Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

What does the Position button do and how to access it? Shift + pressing it doesn't seem to work. Haven't found anything useful in the manual either..



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,584 Expert

    It’s to adjust the position of selected events (in Step Mode)

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 439 Guru

    Kind of funny on the mk3/M+ since knob 1 handles position when in step mode. I suppose it would be useful for mikro users. The same goes for velocity and tune. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see the point on the full sized devices.

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    Yeah I read that, but when I am in step mode how does it work? I tried it but not sure how to operate it..

  • Don1990
    Don1990 Member Posts: 67 Member

    Yeah exactly my thoughts..I think the placement of the button isn't very logical as well. Since the rest of the buttons control Master/group/sound effects except for that one.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,584 Expert
    edited January 2024

    Often 4d encoders is used for functions that are available also in other places (think only at scrolling while browsing the library that can be achieved also with the last knob under the screens)

    I think it’s a way to give choices: some may prefer the “clicks” behavior of 4d encoder than screen knobs.

    Or in some cases someone could be using right hand to do something else (e.g. playing) and therefore having the ability to perform some tasks on the left side of Maschine is useful.

    About how to use Position in Step mode: just use the 4d encoder as a joystick (pushing it left/right) to move the selected events (or all of them if none is selected). Pushing it up/down moves you on a different row and turning it makes you select “next” event.

    You can also use it in combination with SHIFT button to fine nudge events

    In Facts, is the 4d encoder that does the job (it works like this also in Pattern or Events menus). You don’t even have to push the SWING [Position] button to activate it. Probably it was designed to be used like this and then they changed their mind, leaving the label there

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,584 Expert
    edited January 2024

    Knob 1 handles that, but if you want to select next event you have to use 4d encoder (at least in Step and Pattern modes). In Events you can do it with the select option on top of the screen, but moving Start and End to select a single event is quite cumbersome.

    Therefore having your hand on the 4d encoder turning it to select previous or next event and having the ability without moving your hand from there to just nudge it by pushing the encoder left/right is quite practical.

    Many things can be done in different ways in Maschine (even Nudging has an ulterior combination of SHIFT and Pad 7 & 8 to achieve it…so the practicable roads are even 3, not 2) and I think that’s a plus…anyone can find which one is the best for him (or the one he can manage with the only free hand available ☺️)

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