Why has Komplete 14 Upgrade doubled in price, despite it saying the sale runs until Jan 15th??



  • Ftracy3
    Ftracy3 Member Posts: 4 Member

    I'm in the same boat--went to upgrade my Ultimate to Collector's today and the upgrade price had doubled, and it makes no sense--with the upgrade price now I'd be paying more for Ultimate (599)--> Collectors ( another $599 for the upgrade) than if I just were a new customer buying Collector's outright today at the sale price which is till valid ($899.) Very frustrating because you really had to read the fine print related to the sale banners. It really makes no sense to maintain the sales prices but eliminate the upgrade prices for existing customers during the same sale season. I guess I'll wait until the next sale but this leaves me mad at both NI and more so at myself.

  • lightbulb
    lightbulb Member Posts: 5 Member

    I also just found out this, and I was gonig to buy the upgrade... I don't see what the logic is in making the upgrade cost more than the product itself.

    I hope NI can extend the upgrade discount, seeing that so many of us had not understood that the promotion would have ended that early (here is another thread about this https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/20857/over-billing-overnight and on NI's reddit page there is another one), otherwise we'll all have to wait another six months untill the summer deals return, which sucks.

  • lightbulb
    lightbulb Member Posts: 5 Member

    For those interested, if you search enough you will find some websites that still have the discounted offers active, so that you don't have to wait until next summer/year.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    Note that beside time limit there is also volume limit ('till stock lasts').... So even thought some texts might be possibly vaguely interpreted that offer ends past Dec 31, the planned volume could have been reached much earlier....

    NI can always say, sorry. It has been sold out before the date.

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