What is the fix to this install bug?

remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member
edited October 2024 in Native Access

If I get the latest NA download from the website and run it

I get a

Microsoft Visual C++ window

Saying: The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable

(Nothing has changed in my studio to cause this)

Its looking at C:\ProgramData\Package Cache\{7F4A9F52-173F-4B0D-B1EA-269C32EDA827}v14.29.30139\packages\vcRuntimeAdditional_amd64\

trying to find an .msi installer file?

I get three of these windows when cold-installing the NA application.

All looking for something..

I've had this problem for ages. I have gone looking for these files at times but when I point the browser to the right files, it doesn't recognise them as such anyway?

It's so weird and ultra frustrating.

What are these missing files? Why is this an issue?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,182 mod
    edited December 2023

    Prior to any computer tinkering always make a Windows restore point manually and preferably an image based full system drive backup including a tested boot media !

    There is a 2 page discussion about the problem here over at the Microsoft site, but alas that particular discussion does not contain any sure fix !

    But I also located this discussion which allegedly should be a fix , however that discussion also involves removing all the C++ redistributables on computer and reinstalling them. But perhaps one could settle for removing the 2022 version and then reinstall that ? I am sorry but I couldn't say , and also I couldn't even promise that it would fix your problem. Even worse is that the fix require meddling with the Windows registry which is NOT advisable for not expert users !

    The easy approach would be to uninstall the offending C++ redist. and then try use a tool like Revo Pro trial to look for leftovers of the aforementioned or simply scrub the registry for leftovers in general and then following that reboot computer and try reinstalling the redistributable ! (again always manually make sufficient backups prior to system alterations !)

    The VS C++ 2022 downloads are supposed to be here : x86 and X64 but even while those are MS links taken from here then I can give no warranties that these are correct as I have not tested any of it !

    All , in all then : sorry the above is the best I have been able to come up with , and some of it sounds risky , so any and all actions taken are on your own responsibility.

  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member

    I’ve actually tried reinstalling as many redistributals as I could find. Also used a command line tool to fix broken windows stuff one built into the OS.

    I am now considerIng reinstalling windows.

    will give your links a try first, thanks!

  • remedydub
    remedydub Member Posts: 20 Member

    I have a total of 22 Visual Studio redistibutable things on my PC. I would say deleteing them all might damage my computers performance..

    So I guess I need a new PC

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