All my licenses have become non transferable!

el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

Has this happened to anyone else? Have I missed an announcement?

I have various licenses that have been bought outside of my Komplete13UCE bundle, that have, up until I checked today, been available to transfer. I was looking at the possibility of maybe upgrading my bundle before the sale ends tomorrow and wanted to check to see what licenses I might be able to sell to help pay for it (As is the normal expected way).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper
    Answer βœ“

    Just a little update:

    Have found out from support that a recent change in email for my account had prompted an automatic 30-day security lockdown of my licenses. Was not advised that this would happen and because I hadn't checked my licenses until a while afterwards I just didn't connect that as a possibility.

    So, just have to wait it out now.

    Thanks to everyone who posted with ideas :)


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,086 Expert
    edited December 2023

    You 100% sure that exactly none of these licenses were used in any way - to get you to 13UCE?

    The connections/tie-ins can be very subtle at times and can occur without any real notice.

    One thing I do know for certain - is that if you did not actually pay full price (no upgrade or crossgrade) for your 13UCE bundle - one (or more) of the those existing licenses were part of the play here.

    And since 13UCE costs A LOT (at full price) - stands to reason you would remember that.

    What licenses are we talking about here?


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,545 mod
    edited December 2023

    Generally only Support can help you with account and registration issues , but perhaps @Jeremy_NI still have some words of insight to give ? Else contact N.I. registration support so they can work it out:

    Also , it looks to me as if the special offers on Komplete updates and upgrades have been extended as it now says valid to December 31, 2023 , which ought to give you ample time to get your issue fixed and still buy an upgrade if you want !

    Offers on the S-Series keyboards are now also says valid to January 15, 2024

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,453 mod

    Unfortunately I don't have anything to add, our registration agents should be able to help.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper


    Apart from the many years picking libraries and synths in dribs and drabs, my journey into Komplete started with SELECT 12, then to K12 Standard and then to K13UCE. I definitely sold off some of the separate libraries once I had K13UCE. However, I've since bought 'Picked Nylon', Electric Mint' and a few specific Maschine Expansion that I was really interested in, All of these were transferable, as expected, last time I checked. Even the extra Reaktor BLOCKS and WIRED licenses I had, which I believe were marked 'Ready For Transfer' have now been has the serial for my M32 keyboard (Also previously transferable).

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Thanks again :)

    I did actually kontakt support this morning, to check the sale deadline. This was before I had discovered my license issue. And I did receive a reply since posting this thread.

    I really wouldn't have posted here, but for the thought (As per the advice of other support staff) that the sale was going to end tomorrow. And given how busy a time it must be for support I didn't expect them to reply the same day...but they have. And their answer for the sale deadline was January the 15th. Apparently I'd be able to sort out any Komplete package until then.

    ...So now I'm really confused.

    Anyway, I replied asking for 100% confirmation as well as asking they knew why my licences had been locked. At this point I've gone off the idea of upgrading but I do want to know what's going on.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Thanks :)

    As per my reply above, i've since received a reply for a separate enquiry. Hopefuly I'll find out what the issue is soon.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,545 mod

    Quote : "At this point I've gone off the idea of upgrading"

    The sale offers amazing upgrade deals , and if you like e.g. 'Lores' and 'Choir:Omnia' then in my opinion these two alone are worth the asked upgrade price of €250 for K13CE->K14CE ! πŸ™‚ (You can not even get those two expansions at thee sale for the €250 !)

    But of course one have to have the money and also no need to get anything if one is sure to regret later !

    Anyway , it's really nice that support responded so fast and I hope that you will have your issue(s) with the lock fixed soon !

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,086 Expert

    Hmm. Thought that Picked Nylon and Electric Mint were part of UCE so those would not be transferrable. They are part of my 14UCE lineup

    And depending on the actual Expansion titles - if anything you bought "separately" but WAS in 13UCE - I do not think NI considers those as separate licenses (but they should?)

    Best to check with sales on this scenario.


  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Yeah! Couldn't believe they got back to me the same day. Great stuff :)

    I hear ya on the upgrade. I've listened to many hours of walkthroughs over the last coupe of weeks, ad I think I could make a solid argument for every new library. But I couldn't say i NEED any of it. Yes...would love 'Omnia' and even just being able to upgrade to K7 would be useful.

    Anyway...for a moment today I thought that if i managed to sell off my extras, along with a couple of other plugins, I could knock a large chunk off of the price. But then I checked my account...and the rest is history.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Thanks :)

    Picked Nylon and Electric mint are in this round of upgrades (I believe EM is even in K14 Standard), but weren't in K13UCE. Neither were all the extra expansions i bought after I had already upgraded to K13UCE. But like I say there were various other licenses that were previously marked as transferable that now aren't

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Plot rwist. Just went to take a screen-grab to show what I was seeing, but now all those 'Not transferable' marks have been replaced by "Download With Native Access"


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,086 Expert
    edited December 2023

    Hmm - sure you are looking in the right spot?

    After this thread appeared - I went into my account and there are specific "areas" to view products (1) that say "Download with Native Access" and then a completely different area - License Transfer (2) - that walks me through what I could actually transfer if I chose to.

    None of my products in the License Transfer area have anything labelled "Download with Native Access":

    The License Transfer area looks like this:


  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper

    Oops! Brain fart! You're right! I hadn't clicked through to the right section...this time. But going back to 'License Transfers' (That's where I was when I checked earlier) and it is still all locked down as per this thread.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 134 Helper
    Answer βœ“

    Just a little update:

    Have found out from support that a recent change in email for my account had prompted an automatic 30-day security lockdown of my licenses. Was not advised that this would happen and because I hadn't checked my licenses until a while afterwards I just didn't connect that as a possibility.

    So, just have to wait it out now.

    Thanks to everyone who posted with ideas :)

This discussion has been closed.
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