The browsing in the S61 MK3 is bugging with Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol, Massive X tracks in Pro Tools

herenow Member Posts: 22 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi all,

I've just got the Kontrol S61 MK3 and browsing the DAW, Plugin and Browser pages / buttons doesn't work when it should and is inconsistent after rebooting either Pro Tools, the Peripherals settings, the computer, the controller (doesn't allow browsing / clicking some of the buttons when it should).

When browsing the Browser / Plug in / DAW works on a track, I move to another track for setting it up, and then when going back to the previous track, I can't select the buttons anymore as if there were no Kontak / Komplete Kontrol / Massive X plugin instruments on the corresponding tracks in Pro Tools.

Playing the instruments works fine in all situations though. It's really the browsing that doesn't work properly.

The system is

  • MacOS 13.6.2
  • Pro Tools 2023.9
  • Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3
  • Kontrol firmware 3.16.1

Full disk access allowed.

Is it a known bug?

How can we solve this?

Thank you!

Quick update : It seems only the Komplete Kontrol plugin is properly read in the S61 menu. Having Kontakt 7 directly as a plug-in can't be read in the S61 browser. The tutorial video on Youtube says you can use Kontakt 7 directly in your DAW though.

Is that normal?

Best Answers

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    Answer ✓

    Pro Tools support is likely to come in the next update Avid themselves ship for Pro Tools.

    I cannot provide a date, but I believe it to be imminent.

    Until then, I would not expect your issues to resolve.

    Sorry - this is frustrating I know.

  • herenow
    herenow Member Posts: 22 Member
    Answer ✓

    Quick update. All bugs / issues solved with Pro Tools 2023.12.

    Thank you everyone for your help!



  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Ask PoorFellow or lord-carlos.

    They should be able to help you.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,000 mod
    edited November 2023

    @Jeremy_NI , Jeremy , sorry to have to push this onto your plate (like you do not have enough on it already) , but this appear to be a problem for your particular skill set ! (MAC and Pro Tools !)

    @herenow , Please do not expect Jeremy to respond before Monday at the earliest ! Jeremy ought to take care of you one way or the other or he is going to tell you to contact customer service. Incidentally then Kontakt support is found here if need be ! :

  • herenow
    herenow Member Posts: 22 Member

    Thank you for your quick response PoorFellow! You've been very helpful actually!

    I hadn't done the library scanning with Kontakt 7, but with the Komplete Kontrol plugin within Pro Tools itself (it just started doing it when I loaded it for the first time yesterday).

    Kontakt 7 standalone wouldn't offer the rescanning option so I did it with Komplete Kontrol standalone again. I deleted the databases in macOS as advised on NI's website and did the rescanning on Komplete Kontrol standalone. I realised I never opened the Komplete Kontrol standalone application either, so I did the settings as advised again.

    It seems the communication between Pro Tools and the S61 is more stable. All instruments opened in the Komplete Kontrol plugin open fine in the S61 window, and I can do all the plugin setting, selection browsing / auditioning, browsing 1 track after the other with the DAW button from the S61 (great!!), but Kontakt 7 still doesn't display in the S61.

    Honestly, it's been a big leap for me because I can finally make music, be creative, without spending time (re)setting anything technical (which was the very reason why I bought the controller in the first place :D).

    I can use Kontakt by opening it in the Komplete Kontrol plugin so that's a win for me.

    The only dramatic thing that is happening is I have to reset the S61 in Pro Tools Peripherals page as the MIDI controller every time I open a session, otherwise it's wonky. My guess is now knowing Pro Tools isn't officially supported yet, that might explain the instability.

    Now knowing there have been bugs with KK3 and the S-series MK3, I have hope it's just a matter of time until it's addressed by NI!

    I opened a ticket with Support to see what they might say. I'll patiently wait for Jeremy's insight while making some music in the meantime! XD

    Thank you!

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    Sorry @herenow

    I don't know anything about komplete. I called out @MilosMilos for giving horrible advice (for points?) in the traktor forum. He is now using you as a tool to annoy me. I'm sorry you have been dragged into this.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    I am not really using you as a tool, Carlos.

    I only said to him that PoorFellow or you could help him...

    As for the traktor, I tried to at least give decent advice, but I kinda failed, so I quit when it comes to traktor.

    I realized I made a mistake and stopped posting about Traktor.

    I admit that you are basically a genius when it comes to Traktor, I praise you for that.

    No need to be salty.

    Plus, when it comes to points, I got them simply because I have multiple experiences from other software except for Traktor, Komplete and Massive.

    I am sorry that I had years of experience with Kontakt, Guitar Rig, Native Access in general and even in some aspects, Battery and Reaktor.

    I helped many other people who had issue for these softwares I had experience with.

    Look at my badges.

    And it is only a month until I got into the position I am now.

    So... yeah...I will say it once again.

    I am sorry for the comments about Traktor, and I will, again, quit doing that to you and Traktor users.

    But that doesn't mean you need to sugarcoat someone's mistakes.

    Take care, and God bless you, Carlos.

  • herenow
    herenow Member Posts: 22 Member

    Thank you everyone for your input and comments. You've been very helpful. I'm reluctant to ask for help sometimes by fear of asking dumb questions, or asking the wrong person and I don't want to bother anyone in general. I'm glad I've found this space for help and sharing our love for music production.

    I think we all do the best we can online and offline and that's what this community is for I believe.

    I'mma make some more beats until this bug gets completely resolve!

    You all take care!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @herenow The host integration is not there yet, it should come with a Pro Tools update. You should leave the peripherals section with nothing selected.

    Make sure to give full disk access to Pro Tools, Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol: How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS

    Do you still have issues?

  • herenow
    herenow Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi @Jeremy_NI,

    Thank you for clarifying. The host integration need of support would totally explain what's going on.

    I have Pro Tools, Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol with Full Disk Access.

    I've just tried Peripherals with nothing selected. I can play the Pro Tools tracks' instruments with 'track record enabled' as expected.

    Unfortunately, with no Peripherals, I can't browse the libraries, the plugins' settings page, nor the DAW. I think that's what's expected, but maybe you had something different in mind?

    I bought the S61 for that very feature, so to get that what I do is, when I open a Pro Tools session, I reset the Peripherals with the Komplete Kontrol S61 even if it was set to it already. That way I can use the Browser, Plug-ins, and DAW buttons for the tracks that have Komplete Kontrol as a plugin (I've watched the YouTube video as a model for use). I just don't use Kontakt 7 as a plugin though as it's not recognised in the S61.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @herenow That's really strange, the DAW integration and the browse option should be 2 separate things.

    Can you post a screenshot of the peripheral menu (in and out) when the browsing works and when it's not working?

  • herenow
    herenow Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited November 2023

    Maybe we're both understanding what I'm describing differently.

    Here is a screenshot of the peripherals settings that enable me to browse the DAW and, when there is a Komplete Kontrol plugin on the highlighted track, also enable me to access the Browser button and the Plugin button on the S61 and do my settings.

    In /Peripherals/MIDI Controllers/, I select "KONTROL S61 MK3 DAW", both for "Receive From" and "Send To".

    With these settings, a Komplete Kontrol plugin in a Pro Tools instrument track is recognised in the S61, so I can use the S61 as intended, but a Kontakt 7 plugin in a Pro Tools instrument track isn't recognised somehow.

    I just have to rest these settings when I open a Pro Tools session to make sure the DAW browsing, and the Browser / Plugin buttons are accessible when it should.

    If I have "none" selected in the MIDI controllers tab, the mixer in the S61 disappears and I obviously can't browse the tracks nor can I the plugins setting in the S61 anymore. But, I still can play the instruments and use the S61 as a MIDI keyboard, as expected.

    Thank you for your help!

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,710 mod
    Answer ✓

    Pro Tools support is likely to come in the next update Avid themselves ship for Pro Tools.

    I cannot provide a date, but I believe it to be imminent.

    Until then, I would not expect your issues to resolve.

    Sorry - this is frustrating I know.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    @herenow There should be no need for this peripheral thing. You should have connection to one plug-in, even with these settings:

    It's true that, since there is no integration at this point, there is also no track focus so if you have more than one instance loaded in ProTools, the keyboard can't keep up. Sorry if this is confusing.

  • herenow
    herenow Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited November 2023

    Hi Matthew_NI, Jeremy_NI

    It seems the activity monitor shows the hardware connection service is running (see screenshot attached). Is that running correctly?

    I used to have Memory Cleaner 2, but I deleted it a year ago at least.

    I have Avast anti-virus running in the background. Should I delete it or disable it?

    I'm surprised you can use the S61 browsing the DAW and plugins without the Peripherals set up to Komplete Kontrol. How is that possible for Pro Tools and the keyboard to communicate otherwise? I tried the other 'Receive From' and 'Send To' options, but Pro Tools and the S61 don't communicate with those, which seems logical to me. They only communicate with "KONTROL S61 MK3 DAW" selected.

    Does it relate to the host integration you're mentioning?

    That was the first setting I wanted to look into before buying the S61 and I came across that NI video explaining how to set up your Kontrol into Pro Tools.

    I can't post the link, so here is the video description. It is called : Using KOMPLETE KONTROL With Pro Tools | Native Instruments, published Nov 3 2021, for the MK2 series.

    I'm curious to see what's underlying all this.

    Maybe that's a system issue. I'm on :

    • MacOS 13.6.2
    • Pro Tools 2023.9
    • Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3
    • Kontrol firmware 3.16.1

    Thank you for your help!

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