Many Kontakt libraries suddenly removed from Kontakt 6, sessions broken!



  • benmuetsch
    benmuetsch Member Posts: 29 Member

    I see this the same as you guys. As can be seen I have paid for 152 Native Instruments products and it seems like they as a company are so ignorant of their support - I had several issues with NI products over the years and none of them got solved in any way. Those issues have not been a deal breaker for me but when now those KONTAKT issues persist, I will never ever buy something again. I really have a big problem that someone needs tracks from a project created with KONTAKT 6 but I cannot risk mess or issues with opening recent KONTAKT 7 projects.

    Extremely odd issues with Kontakt and Native Access has been last year when I was still on another Mac running Catalina and Native Access offered me updates which have been incompatible with Catalina macOS.. I mean hey.. a simple operation system query.. anyone? This has already broken projects and now are projects broken AGAIN. NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    I always respected backwards compatibility big times. OK, lets say a project is 10 years + old, I expect some trouble opening correctly, but not with projects only 1 to 2 years old.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,558 mod

    Updating these libraries means that they won't open in Kontakt 6, either by loading them into the plug-in or in old projects contining Kontakt 6 projects. I'm not sure what happened in oyur case but it's definitely not the expected behaviour nor was reported before. If you wish this to be investigated please get in touch here:

    It only affects the libraries that are featured in the thread, some were updated some months ago, when the new Kontrol MK3 keyboard was released to implement NKS2 features and/or polyphonic aftertouch.

    The xml issue is a different issue.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,558 mod

    @benmuetsch @EMH We know it's a pain point for our users. You can see in this first iteration of this post:

    As you can see many users already expressed their dissatisfaction, which is totally valid.

    We have put a few things in place to prevent this. Users that don't have Kontakt 7 installed on their systems will get a warning before updating libraries, this will be extended to users that also have Kontakt 7.

    It is not possible in the current state to have downgrades available in Native Access itself.

    A downgraded library will open in Kontakt 7. The libraries are not backwards compatible but the opposite is true. An older library (not updated) will open in the newest version of Kontakt.

    Unfortunately the auto migration (from an older version of Kontakt) is only working for Cubase and Logic at the moment. It's up to the DAWs to make this possible, evrything is accessible on our side. Not pointing the finger at all, it's not a small thing to implement.

    Again we do understand the frustration, we're trying to find solutions. It's not a simple thing to fix.

  • EMH
    EMH Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    There are a number of cases in this thread and others. I've seen it reported all over these boards and others outside of this site. This isnt an isolated incident by any stretch. I really dont know how to respond to the response that NI hasnt seen this before. So without a lot of words and more wasted any more time you are saying the only solution you offer for consideration is to downgrade the libraries with your standalone installers. 1) But are you working on better downgrade installers that can target the location of an external drive ? 2) Will downgrading the library break new sessions created with kontakt 7 player? Because you sold the older product as compatible with kontakt 6 and many got caught in this it seems an appropriate solution is to have 2 separate licenses added to Native access. One for the 6.8 kontakt that we paid for the full version and one for the updated library to run in kontakt 7 player so that your customers can preserve their old and new work. 3) Why dont the downgrade installers allow you to target your external drive where many people keep their libraries? There needs to be a better downgrade installer. This is not just customer user error, there has to be some better accountability of NI to resolve this. NI tried to migrate products that were originally sold for kontakt 6 to add value to the new interface product and this is the result of not explicitly warning customers that this was not just a performance/bug/data update. Regardless of accountability there are real world business ramifications to the way this is ultimately handled. We need a better solution. Please answer these questions as well… 4) will upgrading to Kontakt 7 likely fix this and is there any consideration for a partial courtesy credit on the upgrade price? 5) Also will upgrading to Kontakt 7 Full break my 6.8 sessions that dont have the broken libraries in them? 6) In upgrading to kontakt 7, will 6.8 Full continue to exist and function separately on my system in addition to a Kontakt 7 Full? Depending on the answers to these questions, NI has an opportunity to turn a misstep into a positive both financially and in terms of customer satisfaction. You never know who you customers are please do your best to find some better compromise and solution on this issue so your users can put this behind them and everyone has a better experience going forward. If you can please answer each question included it would be much appreciated and help myself and others affected by this make a better decision on how to move forward. I am trying to be reasonable and work with you to find a solution.

  • benmuetsch
    benmuetsch Member Posts: 29 Member

    I am really much with @EMH that all these questions arise. It's simply not acceptable that NI says "it's complicated" while we as customers are experiencing the real complications.
    For example, Apples App Store offers all legacy installers from let's say Logic, Keynote, Numbers, Pages and many many more apps.
    I somehow doubt that's impossible to make those now K7-only Libraries backwards compatible as the samples never got updated that much, more or less only the NKI files but that's what it is.
    I would even downgrade in cases when I need old projects but downgrades also means lack of new features. OK, fine with that but then PLEASE at least offer a clean way to switch between those Library versions. There is release notes for each product, so offer a way of installing the corresponding versions from Native Access (including respect for installation paths set in Native Access), that cannot be too complicated for a company developing software products like Reaktor and just to be honest - I've got software development skills and experience myself.

    Otherwise this will be extremely frustrating and for me personally a case for customer protection. You cannot render a whole lot of projects just broken while telling people "it is what it is" or offer an extremely inconveniant way to manually downgrade.

  • drnufunk
    drnufunk Member Posts: 1 Member

    Same problem with all of the above libraries. At least with most of them, I could see the settings in the ones that weren't playing and open a kontakt 7 version and copy settings. Not with Session guitar deluxe. When first opened (in old session which is Kontakt 6) it hangs on missing content. After a LOT of seaching for about 18000 files it opens as a demo version. The graphics are messed up, sliders instead of knobs, no numerical info, etc. I tried downloading from the link higher in this discussion to re install the older version of the library but Apple would not let me open it because it couldn't examine it for malware. So far I am left with opening a version in Kontakt 7 and searching and tuning the patch to match by ear my printed master mix. I don't see the advantage of doing any work on a platform that is only accessible for the life of that upgrade. In case NI doesn't realize it, professional musicians all access older sessions for a wide variety of reasons. To have to spend hours and days (which I have done) to get an older session open of MY OWN MUSIC is completely bonkers. Sorry for the rant, but come on….

  • benmuetsch
    benmuetsch Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited September 2024

    Thanks for chiming in, it's extremely frustrating. I am not willing to do manual downgrades and move libraries around then maybe introducing new bugs. They really need to make those libraries initially designed for K6 which are now K7-only backwards-compatible but all they do is whine and say "its complicated" so don't expect too much.

    For me it's clear, when they further just ignore the problem, I will use my already paid plugins sometimes but everything NI will be printed to audio as soon as the project is finished and I won't buy anything in the future for sure as there is really no support. So many complained and their "solution" is just inacceptable. I will slowly fade out everything NI from my workflow as it's not worth the trouble. Really sad.
    Plugins are buggy and slow, the support is meh.

  • Jeezo
    Jeezo Member Posts: 6 Member
    edited October 2024

    Passing by cause i have the same issue , all my play series are missing , checked , they're installed and last version exept analog dream witch requires V8 to be updated …

    i own kontakt 6 , and loading the NI center didn't change a thing , i even tried to locate a folder via maintenance , no way …so if i undertand well i need kontakt 7 ? but it's the player , not full , what if i used another version of kontakt in a project (kontakt full not player , witch i never use)with those libraries ?

    Been a NI supporter from day one , really (still own core and all ) but other the years every component of the line is becoming convoluted and ****** , period …. from the Maschine ecosystem (i own all mashines) to the kontakt , not even talking about komplete kontrol , my komplet kontrol S25 is no more supported in KK and maschine is doing strange thing in midi mode in Studio one …

    Now comes this problem …. f….k §§§

    Time is priceless , and time when you busy working even more , few days off , i wanna do some personnal project and nope , i'm here trying to debug ****** here and there (NI is not alone) …

    yep i'm pissed off , because i try to be chill , but the level of disrepsect for their costumers is beyong tolerable .(again not NI alone)

    I won't even talk about failed update install when you have to take of things manually from registery (with the NI removal tool) , to then force a re install ….

    The only time i was able to have a smooth install is on a clean computer (witch is the case here) , but then next time you use the center , it start to get funny (not so) …

    IF i keep using NI stuff (more and more less probable) , what's the best way to load my kontakt librariees to not be confronted with the the same ****** , kontakt player ? and waht i i like multi's and usally mix libariers with my own sampling where i need full editing capabilities , do i need to load a kontakt full version just for those ?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,110 Expert
    edited October 2024

    "IF I keep using NI stuff (more and more less probable) , what's the best way to load my Kontakt libraries to not be confronted with the the same ****** , Kontakt Player ?

    If you want to stay with Kontakt 6 - which is just fine - you will first need to rollback all the libraries that are now messed up by going here:

    Previous versions of recently updated Kontakt libraries / compatibility with K6 older libraries — Community

    NOTE: It is not possible for Native Access to update anything automatically - expect itself. Any updates that occur to any of your software must be manually approved by a human (you) by clicking Update…

    So if you want zero chance of issues after the rollback - never open Native Access again.

    If you want a slight chance of issues after the rollback - use Native Access sparingly and VERY carefully. Never click Update ALL and never click Update on anything to do with Kontakt or it's associated libraries - like ever. Or you will be right back in this mess.

    Finally you could also upgrade to Kontakt 7 Player (or 8) - which may involve a little (or a lot) of work moving your old projects forward.


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