Live input really low with vinyl on Audio 6

Remster Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

Hi there,

I'm trying to do a set-up with time code and vinyl. When using vinyl via the Live input option, the sound is really low compare to the timecoded one.

As I am using a TR-202 Omnitronic, I basically need to put the master up, which is not ideal...

Only issue is this mixer does not have gain control.

Both signal are playing via the Line canal. When trying to manually switch to phono (for my vinyl) the volume is pretty good, but quality is bad (very wobbly and not cleat at all)

Do you guys have any idea how can I get the same sound level on each channel ?

(I am using Traktor Audio 6)



  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    Yes, if you run them in line mode and not with phono they will be quiet.

    The questions is not why it's quiet, but why it sounds bad with the build in pre-amp.

  • Remster
    Remster Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Hi Carlos,

    thanks for the reply. This it what I thought at first. I need to tweak it a bit to see why the signal is that bad.

    I would guess that is the sound card that does that, as when I run it straight to mixer is it fine.

    Maybe configuration ?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    Mhh, I don't know. I some how doubt it's a setting. As there is not much you can change.

    You have turned down the gain again after switching too phono mode? Else the limiter kicks in and it might sound weird.

    I recently got a A6 as well, but have not tested the pre-amp yet.

  • Mibzic
    Mibzic Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Hi Remster,

    1) What is your turntable brand & model?

    2) When you switch the signal to phono, have you attached the turntable ground cable to the ground screw on Traktor Audio 6 background? If the ground cable is not connected, it makes sense to get a noisy playback in phono mode.

    3) Do you connect the power adapter? If you do not use the power adapter, Traktor Audio 6 uses the computer ground as ground reference, which is generally not great for audio.

  • Remster
    Remster Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    I do not touch the gain, it is just loud as I would need it but wobbly... If you try the pre-amp, let me know

  • Remster
    Remster Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    I have a pair of Gemini TT02 with the ground cable attached to my mixer. The Audio 6 is plugged via USB into my Mac with an adaptor, as it is a MacBook air.

  • Remster
    Remster Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    Just a quick update, after trying many things, I guess vinyl and timecode are not meant to work together with Audio 6. The only that I could get a clear sound it was throughout a line channel, but volume was low.

    I guess that the way it should be.

    Anyway, thanks guys for the advice.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    I guess vinyl and timecode are not meant to work together with Audio 6.

    That kinda is what the A6 is build for though.

  • Remster
    Remster Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    I definitely agree with that but even after tweaking a couple of stuff. It is still really low. I'll try to send a video If I can tonight

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