PAD MODE NOTE REPEAT function button

IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
edited October 2024 in Maschine


Just wondering, can the lock function hold the note repeat arp function key on while on PAD MODE ?

Kind regards

Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    The LOCK is for lock states / snapshots, it's unrelated.

    If you're asking if you can auto-hold note repeat (so you don't physically have to hold the Note Repeat button) while in Pad Mode the answer is yes on bigger controllers, on a Mikro I don't remember tbh because on the bigger ones we have to enable both Lock and Hold and those functions are activated with the top buttons above the screens, (to reiterate the Hold button I am referring too is not what you see in your picture)

    Dive in the Note Repeat menu pages and see if you can find them.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,915 Expert
    edited November 2023

    If you ask whether you can lock the Arp / Note Repeat to be able to use both hands to play Pads or change other things, then YES. I use that all the time.

    But I’m not sure what you mean by „the lock function“.

  • IQMusic
    IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
    edited November 2023

    Thanks ozon, yes that sounds like what I am trying to do with the PAD MODE, so that I can free up hands for pad and note repeat length.

    The lock function key I am referring to is the button beside the (NOTE REPEAT Arp) function key, I thought that maybe it could help to enable note repeat function, without the need to keep it pressed/held.

    Many thanks

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited November 2023 Answer ✓

    The LOCK is for lock states / snapshots, it's unrelated.

    If you're asking if you can auto-hold note repeat (so you don't physically have to hold the Note Repeat button) while in Pad Mode the answer is yes on bigger controllers, on a Mikro I don't remember tbh because on the bigger ones we have to enable both Lock and Hold and those functions are activated with the top buttons above the screens, (to reiterate the Hold button I am referring too is not what you see in your picture)

    Dive in the Note Repeat menu pages and see if you can find them.

  • IQMusic
    IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
    edited November 2023

    Thank you D-one, yes auto hold note repeat it is, on Maschine Mikro Mk3.

    Using PAD MODE, Pressing (SHIFT & NOTE REPEAT Arp) or (KEYBOARD & NOTE REPEAT Arp), switches on keyboard Arp mode for the selected sound, it is a perfect workaround, am now using this method, it's close enough though it is not PAD MODE.

    While on PAD MODE pressing the arrows <> to scroll while holding NOTE REPEAT, displays rate settings / unit settings.

    The bigger Maschine does it different, may be I will upgrade my setup with a new Maschine MK3. : )

    On the Mikro Mk3 YouTube comments, they ask about auto hold note repeat PAD MODE. Also they would like each pad to have different rates, One for future update maybe. : )

    Many thanks much love

  • IQMusic
    IQMusic Member Posts: 114 Helper
    edited December 2023

    Bump . . . It seems the Mikro MK2 can pin the “Note repeat” on pad mode.

    On the Mikro MK3 I still could not figure out how to pin the “note repeat”.

    I went ahead and got a new Maschine MK3, and am enjoying comparing it with the Mikro MK3.

    Still would like to figure this out though, whether or not the MIKRO MK3 can pin “note repeat” like the MIKRO MK2. It is as if that feature was dropped when they transitioned to MIKRO MK3.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod

    I can't imagine the Mikro MK3 having any sort of pinning with that uber tiny screen, "pinning" does not come up in the manual at all and "pin " comes up only once:

    I don't even know what control means to be honest.

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