User Reaktor ensembles on Maschine+ Standalone

nuromantix Member Posts: 29 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Has anybody had any success with this? I know it's not officially supported yet but I know some people have got a few things working.

I have followed the instructions here:

and here:

and my snapshots show up in the browser but when I try to load them I get "Reaktor could not be loaded" error.

Can anyone help?


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    Unfortunately, the art of making Reaktor Ensembles work on the M+ seems to be closer related to alchemy than logic.

    For me, some of the above used to work, but doesn’t anymore. Don’t know which of the updates broke it. Could be related a Reaktor version mismatch between my M+ and computer.

    And sadly, I’ve given up because it’s too much work and too fragile.

  • nuromantix
    nuromantix Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited March 2022

    Tonight I got it to work. I updated Reaktor in the M+ to the latest version and now it just works.

    The only problem I have is getting the parameters to appear on the correct knobs, they seem to be jumbled up. But I am optimistic. Very exciting to be able to make music standalone with my own Reaktor synths and not have to browse NI presets for something close enough to be edited to what I need. I can stop nagging them to unlock all the parameters in FM8.

    They should stabilise this and advertise it because it is THE killer feature compared to MPCs etc.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited March 2022

    @nuromantix wrote:

    They should stabilise this and advertise it because it is THE killer feature compared to MPCs etc.

    Exactly. This. A thousand times.

    Hardware running Reaktor (reliably!) is THE SYNTH KILLER SYNTH.

    Tonight I got it to work. I updated Reaktor in the M+ to the latest version and now it just works.

    Great that it is now working for you. I hope you can get over the various obstacles. I'm not really a Reaktor user (rather a Reaktor Player user) and have a hard time understanding how to properly edit Ensembles.

    Regarding not needing FM8 anymore because of Reaktor: Why? Is there an FM8 Reaktor Ensemble?

  • nuromantix
    nuromantix Member Posts: 29 Member

    The thing about FM8 is that you cannot access all the parameters in standalone, so all you can do is browse presets and tweak a limited number of parameters. If I make my own FM synth in Reaktor and put it on the M+ then I can make it fully editable. I don't want to have to hook up a computer whenever I want to make a patch, I just personally find computer screens a big turn off when I am making music.

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert
    edited March 2022

    IIRC you can make a macro in Maschine desktop if you want to rename/sort your Reaktor Ensemble's parameters. Then save it as a sound and load that?

    I think the Ens parameters are listed by their IDs? You should also be able to sort them in Reaktor directly.

    A simple FM synth with a coupla operators should be easy enough to build in Reaktor.

    In the case of FM8, most of the parameters are actually visible, aside from the modulation matrix. But it's still quite unusable because you have no way to control the ratios with enough precision to end up with stable pitched sounds. It's a bit of a pickle, which even macros do not solve, there would need to be some sort of numerical entry option in Maschine+ UI

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
    edited March 2022

    @nuromantix wrote: They should stabilise this and advertise it because it is THE killer feature compared to MPCs etc.

    Quite interested in this possibility as well. No guarantee but I'll try to grab some info here and there internally in case it's something doable 👀

  • nuromantix
    nuromantix Member Posts: 29 Member

    Got the parameters correctly mapped now. I can get my own synths working on M+ and they sound great and work properly. The interface is not great but workable.

    The only small problem is that if you carry on scrolling at the end of all the parameters, M+ dispays loads of pages of empty parameters and zeroes. But I can ignore that.

    Can't get FX ensembles to work yet.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    Similar problem with FX. Some work, most don’t.

    What procedure are you using to map the parameters properly? For mr it’s hit and miss. Names are often unusable and order is random sometimes even starting with empty parameters.

  • nuromantix
    nuromantix Member Posts: 29 Member
    edited March 2022

    I haven't managed to make any FX work yet. Going to try a few more things when I get time.

    To map the paramaters you have to individually edit each controller's Automation ID starting at 1 (not 0).

    To make the names work the best thing is to keep them short and remember that if a control is inside a Macro then the Macro's name will be added to the beginning of the control like this example:

    If you have a fader labeled LFO inside a macro called MOD then in M+ it will be labelled MOD:LFO.

    Because there's only room for about 10 characters I tend to leave the name of each macro blank and then the names of the faders and knobs come out correctly on M+. It makes it harder to read your patch in Reaktor unfortunately.

  • nuromantix
    nuromantix Member Posts: 29 Member

    Got FX working too now.

    Using my own Reaktor ensembles has really opened up Maschine+ into being a unique and amazing tool for making music.

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin
  • Flexi
    Flexi Member Posts: 406 Pro

    Great information, thank you.

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Where exactly on the sd card do you load the reaktor patches?

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Never mind, I found out and it works fine.

This discussion has been closed.
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