Is NI customer service a thing anymore?

OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Hey all, I was wondering what is your experience with NI support?

I started a ticket last week, I followed up this week, got a worthless response that asked me to check a link that was worthless. I then responded and haven't heard back.



  • jt maher
    jt maher Member Posts: 80 Newcomer

    There is probably an inside joke about us (NI customers) who seek support. I wonder what they call us? You think NI cares about their customers? They don’t even care about their own employees! Lmao. You can read the horror stories on Glassdoor about NI, the BBB (about pissed off customers) The old forum was filled with bad publicity no wonder they got rid of it. Their customer service is bad, but it doesn’t matter to them as long new unsuspecting customers keep buying their new shiny products. Oh man I’m going to get attacked now lol

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,927 Expert

    It’s hit and miss IME. I mostly did bug reports via the online wizards. I always received answers but often had a long back and forth, sometimes needing to repeat the information I already sent. Sometimes they asked me to run their (rather invasive) information gathering script (although IMO the problem was very clear and reproducible). I found it hard to get them to acknowledge the problem exists and that they opened an issue for it.

  • Russellmus
    Russellmus Member Posts: 71 Helper

    Pretty good in my experience. Reasonable response times, and usually solve the issue without too much stress. Sometimes the solution is just ‘wait for update plz’ which is obviously unsatisfying, but not much support can do about that 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    It was a nightmare for me many many years, which I guess was your good olde days. They were my bad days with NI. I couldn't get a response to support and generally had to ask questions in the forum after hitting dead ends, which was then generally a mix of responses from contempt (mostly) to the occasional user who tried to help.

    A lot of CS seems to be automated these days, so i've only spoken to one agent, who was genuinely helpful, polite and speedy to respond. I do have a ticket open currently and been waiting a couple of days for a reply, so far, so maybe they prioritise it, or maybe it's hit and miss.

    Customer services is very important to a lot of people I reckon. Speedy polite replies give those good vibes and create happy customers that help to promote the brand to others and bad CS generally makes me think twice about buying into a company. I don't own any Behringer gear, mainly because I just straight up don't agree with the way the company is run and the bad vibes they give off.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,599 mod
    edited November 2023

    Judging from what I have read in the forum then greatest problems are that sometimes tickets get buried (forgotten?) and also that in between attention to what is the actual matter at hand is maybe low - or deductive reasoning is not always the strong suit of all ? Dunno !

    My personal experiences with support is OK I think , I mean , can take time to get a response but problems have been solved.

    Problems mentioned by Ozon and Russellmus about getting issues acknowledged and the refer to waiting for a fix are universal 'issues' and universal examples of how support works.

    And anyone that have major complains about Native Instruments with respect to that maybe haven't had enough problems with stuff of other makes. I mean recently I have experienced having my posts deleted from another forum for posting about virus alerts to software, Also reported bugs and quality problems other places often do neither get attention nor a fix. Like a well defined and easy to prove bug has not been fixed after I dunno, years ? by other make , same make also keep selling upgrades while not fixing problems with previous versions.

    Which to me all in all makes Native Instruments support pretty stellar over all !

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited November 2023

    A CS member got back to me and said all he could do was forward my issue. Kind of sounded like so someone else can make note of it. It’s a bummer that they are so under staffed that they won’t even try to solve my issue:(

    I always scroll pass the “I’m done with NI” threads but I am starting to understand now. Not there yet but I can see it from here.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,927 Expert


    Also reported bugs and quality problems other places often do neither get attention nor a fix. Like a well defined and easy to prove bug has not been fixed after I dunno, years ? by other make , same make also keep selling upgrades while not fixing problems with previous versions.

    Your experience with anonymous other brand exactly describes my personal experience with brand in question.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,599 mod
    edited November 2023

    In general I do not think it necessary to smear or try to hurt other third party brands unless necessary. But I do find it appropriate to discuss the experiences with the brand , e.g. Native Instruments , at the forum of the brand itself. Me not trying to smear other brands here ought not be the subject here , but your own implying same experiences with Native Access ought to be.

    Rather than wasting your time trying to indirectly criticizing me not hijacking discussion by turning it into a discussion about other brands (you making an issue out of brand name not mentioned) then you ought to plainly state your issue or grief to make other people be able to clearly find out what they think with respect to what issues that you want to complain over or have a grief with !


    Also one of the two other brand names may not be as anonymous as you appear to think , I did mention one of the brands over here , but I did that solely because someone else started praising the brands advantages :

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited November 2023

    My experience with NI support has always been pleasant but I only contact it when I need transfers, handling crossgrades, or such things that I can't do myself. People often think support's job is to tech them how to use their products instead of the manual, or ask things that are easily answered in support articles, those tickets fill the cue for people with real issues, quite common unfortunately.

    Keep in mind support are just people like you and me and make mistakes too.

    My only bad experiences were always related to repairing devices, virtually zero spare parts can be purchased, and everything requires sending them the HW, even if you only break a tiny PCB that you can easily change yourself, o a connection cable, etc,.. which gets me super duper angry.

    What's the issue? maybe we can help, unless it's a bug or something.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    Im struggling to get a class compliant interface (MOTU M6) to work with Maschine + in standalone. I know they say class compliant only works in "theory" but I figured I could get more help than ghosting me for a week then saying: look at this link you already looked at, then: sorry, I'll pass your issue along.

    I know I am not the only MOTU user to have this issue but to my knowledge no one here has taken it to support so I tried, unfortunately NI support was to busy to try. They/he seems busy and to be skipping over any issues that are somewhat difficult.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited November 2023

    USB 2 Audio Class compliance is more of a MacOS thing, Windows usually fetches drivers automatically or requires installing it manually even on interfaces advertised as 'USB 2.0 class-compliant', this in fact the case for your M6 interface.

    On Linux, I am guessing NI is using ALSA which does not have Motu in its list of supported brands / models neither: (I don't have my M+ with me right now look into the libraries they are using)

    Regardless there's really nothing support can do for you (and many others) if whoever is in charge of the M+ decided that debugging interface issues or expanding support and compatibility is not a priority or concern, so... not sure blaming support is appropriate.

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    edited November 2023

    Correction to my earlier post. CS got back to me the same day, but their message got lost in my inbox while I was trying to add 2 license transfers.

    I think this took maybe an hour or 2, so lightning fast, especially given this is probably one of their busy periods with the sales on and new gear.

    Arturia was typically around 12-24 hours a few years ago last time I used them. Focusrite, took about a day. Some companies used to take a week or so to get back, but it's very rare that I use CS these days.

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro

    I usually agree with you but don’t here for two reasons:

    1) they didn’t respond for a week

    2) when they responded it was a did you look at the page auto support already point you toward that says it should actually work in theory?

    if you have a technical issue why wouldn’t it be valid to expect any bit of help from tech support?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,639 mod
    edited November 2023

    1) 5 business days? That's above what I'd call a fast reply for sure, but acceptable imo, it's what I am used to from other companies.

    2) But that's not what the article says. I suppose the article is this one?

    "In theory" + "it should be detected" followed by a list of Interfaces that are known to work = Not every class-compliant will actually work. That's your response, would you rather support to spell that out with more words instead of a link? I am not trying be rude or dismissive but I don't get it, or are you saying the info on the article is miss-leading? If thats the case then I might agree.

    Given the above, what kind of help from support you're expecting to happen??

    If there is even a list of working interfaces it's because someone from support bothered to pull it from a forum thread, this is what's actually outrageous to me, isn't it the M+ dev team's responsibility to test and ensure that this device does what it claims to do? Or are they just winging it and say "what the heck, lets just release it, it will prob work"? And somehow, people spend money on it and are fine with it... It's a 1200$ device, if I bought mine and it did not work with my interface I would be returning it. I blame the higher up suits that made the decision that this supposed class-compliance is good enough, not support. This was already bad on release when theres was zero info on all this but 3 years later it's just sad... Meanwhile they release keyboards and again, everyone seems fine with it.

    Dang it... Now I am ranting.

    Anyway, there's zero costumer support can do other than pass on the info that lots of interfaces don't work, I am pretty sure they done that for the past 3 years.

    I'd be way more pissed over the M+ dead in water for more than 8 months while a keyboard was being made, it's not even the same version as the desktop, no reaktor desktop compatibility, no VST3, yet... the forum doesn't seem bothered by this at all and seemingly cant wait for a new MK4 while NI cant even handle the amount of current products. 🤯

  • OhulahanBass
    OhulahanBass Member Posts: 211 Pro
    edited November 2023

    D-One, we got different standards. 5 bizz days is a LONG time. Perhaps it has slowly gotten worse but I have had much quicker turnarounds from NI in past as well as many other companies that vary in size.

    I had read the article already, and thought, well, it says in theory it should work but in my practice it doesn’t. It’s a technical issue, who should I call? If only there was a type of support for technical issues… Yeah, I think the response was dismissive, probably cuz they don’t have enough staff. The second response was better, not what I wanted to hear, but nearly acceptable, your response, was however, far more informative. If only that explanation and list were included in the article or the support response I wouldn’t have felt there was such a decline in service quality.

    Worse things have happened to better people, I was just curious what everyone else's experiences were. I'll stop complaining and just reserve my expectations from here on out:(

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