I have now Dropped NI

DJ MickyTeK
DJ MickyTeK Member Posts: 5 Member
edited 3:46PM in Maschine

I have now Dropped NI, company has become a nightmare joke.

I certainly would not recommend them to anyone.

Maschine mk3 pile of crashing ******

Traktor S8 dropped for pile of old acquainted Mk2 added couple of sliders and called it Mk4

Software update so slow the kit becomes unusable

No wonder Pioneer are the top Leader,, I am purchasing the Pioneer CDJ3000 and their new Mixer and Never again will I touch anything to do with NI, selling all my NI kit asap before the prices crash



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 4,157 mod
    edited October 2023

    Hope that you will be more lucky with the Pioneer brand investments ! 🙂

  • jt maher
    jt maher Member Posts: 80 Newcomer

    Don’t sell your NI gear now! You will get barely half of what you paid for it originally at this moment….I would wait a few months to a year after they release whatever this supposed new maschine hardware/software that’s coming… It will be so buggy, and bad people will want the mk3 back! You can get a mint mk3 for like 250$-300$ right now on reverb. As for your other NI gear not to sure about. Also my friend has pioneer cdj3000, and a cdj2000 we both agree the 2000 is way better. The 3000 is not worth the price… Save your money and find a used mint 2000 for a good price. Peace

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,646 Expert

    @jt maher proposed

    wait a few months to a year after they release whatever this supposed new maschine hardware/software that’s coming…

    With nothing new supposed to come in the foreseeable future, that will be a loooooong wait…

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,252 mod
    edited October 2023

    Good luck with your new journey. I waited a long time for a Traktor Z3, gave up, and ended up with a Pioneer DJM S7 and I am quite happy with it.

    Controller prices won't increase with new releases no matter how "bad" they might be, sell everything now If you really want out of the ecosystem. The more you wait the less value what you own will have, unless a miracle happens... an MK3 is just a common digital controller not some kind of vintage low production run standalone to ever increase in value.

  • Isotoxin
    Isotoxin Member Posts: 204 Advisor

    What about OP is blabbering with lines of Traktor S8 mk2 and mk4?

  • basehead617
    basehead617 Member Posts: 135 Advisor

    “bye, can i have your stuff?”

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    edited October 2023

    Unusual post/goodbye note, leaving a production and DJ package for a purely DJ package because your production package is flaky (on your system) and your DJ gear isn't as good as one that costs many times more, ie it's not a like for like swap?

    Probably a much wiser decision moving away from DJ controllers though as they all have the inherent flaw in that they're only good for as long as they're supported by the manufacturer, the software vendor and the computer system you use. I've had motorised decks (V7's) that lasted me 2 or 3 years before they got left behind. Taught me a valuable and expensive lesson that 1210/1200s are the best value, followed by CD decks. I've owned Technics turntables over 30 years and only had to swap one out after I dropped a monitor on the tonearm.

    I do use a S9 mixer these days, but it's hard to believe now that Pioneer mixers were some of the worst sounding pieces of garbage going in the DJM500/600 days when there were countless better options, but they became the standard in a lot of clubs because of their CDJs being the standard.

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    I remember selling my AKAI MPC, 3000 I sold ca 15 years ago....today it still keep the same price, maybe even a bit higher.

    I sold my MPC2500 ca 8 years ago - today it keeps the price...

    Maschine, every year loose the value....it must be a reason for that.

    ...and I am not complaining here, just an observation

  • Jiglo
    Jiglo Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    edited October 2023

    Well, the obvious difference is a MK3 is a controller, so it's lifespan is determined by continued support.

    Some still sell for a good price though, but ebay prices can highly fluctuate. I think one sold today for £50 less than I bought mine for new, so a lot better than some gear, but that's probably a good day.

    MPC 2500 prices rise and fall too. I've sold one, my ltd edition years ago and still have one and sometimes think about selling it, so I occasionally look up the resale price every few months, then change my mind.

    The 3000 though is probably the most highly desirable in the range

  • valnum
    valnum Member Posts: 6 Member

    I still own my S4 Mk1 with the official flight case. This is my only controller and I still use it.

    Running it with the latest MacOS version which allows to run it, and to run Ableton Live 9, installed on a 2012 Macbook Air.

    The newest hardware and OS versions can't run it, so keeping this hardware is important.

    New stuff isn't always a good idea.

    And also think about backing up these vital pieces of software and — why not — buying a second hardware compatible with your old gear in case of… The price decreases so it becomes more affordable.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 218 Advisor
  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 218 Advisor

    Maschine Controllers are fine for OS/Platform support if you're on Windows. macOS is always a risk.

    I don't see them dropping the MK3 any time soon. I think the timetable for support for the MK3 and Plus are going to be pretty similar, since they're basically identical devices except for the Standalone Functionality and Firmware in the Maschine+.

    The only reason I can see them prematurely ending support, would be in an attempt to force people to buy new units... That is not something I see going over well, especially with MPC One+ only being $699. Many people would just move over, especially since we can expect a price increase over the MK3's MSRP if they were to release a MK4 (and a Maschine+ MK2 would rocket back up to $1,2-399).

    I'm probably going to get an MPC One+ soon to replace my MK3. I think Akai is showing a greater ability to iterate on their software and firmware than Native Instruments. I trust them more when it comes to these types of controllers/devices. They also seem to be adding what their users are asking for. Native Instruments just does whatever is most easy for them to do, so they can say "look, we finally have an update to install."

    Also, the NKS2 stuff is a bit of a dud for me... After seeing what they did with the new KK controllers, I can't really be optimistic for any new Maschine. Their hardware is generally overpriced relative to what competitors are putting out. Even if they make the Maschine MK4 an NKS2 Controller (that doesn't only work in Maschine software), it would still not be that attractive since NKS was never really that attractive to me to begin with (due to DAWs having such good Mapping Capabilities without the vendor lock-in and insane prices).

    Old MPCs sell for good prices due to reputation and hype. There is also a clout factor associated with those machines which simply does not exist with Native Instruments hardware. That is why MPC One resale prices outpace Maschine+ when you compare the second hand prices to the MSRP.

    People will overpay for an MPC 2500/3000 simply to have one. They are like the Louis Voiton and Versace of groove boxes/samplers.

    I think NI has underestimated the value of supporting their users. Right now, they feel more like a Microsoft or Google than a Music Production software company. A bit... too corporate and dismissive.

    Not something I can justify continuing to buy into.

  • iNate
    iNate Member Posts: 218 Advisor
    edited January 14

    The problem with Maschine is that NI is slow as molasses.

    They took too long to release the Maschine+, which was supposed to be a competitor to the MPC Live devices. Instead, it ended up being a competitor to a much cheaper MPC One, becasue Akai beat them to the punch, by the better part of a year.

    With the MPC One+ on the market for $699, it's impossible to sell a MK3 for anywhere near MSRP, and it's almost impossible to sell a Maschine+ for more than a new MPC One+, because users have shown willingness to cross the aisle and snag the better deal. The MPC One is a proven workhorse, at this point, without the Maschine+'s history of performance and stability issues - and Akai has been putting in FAR more work to improving their Firmware and Software than Native Instruments.

    The One is basically the Akai equivalent to the Maschine+, due to Native Instruments' lag, so this shoved both of Native Instruments' controllers into weird pricing brackets. On one hand, the MK3 is too close to a One+, which also functions as a standalone. ON the other hand, the Maschine+ functions as a standalone, but at [at least] $300 more than a One+... hard sell, there...

    This also pushes resale values down, because unlike MSRP, resale values are not controlled by the hardware manufacturer or vendors. It's controlled by end users' perceived value for the product.

    This is why MPCs retain value better. Users value those machines more. Users do not value Maschine as highly. To most users, they are accessories. Most people are not building studios around Maschine as a centerpiece the way many do with MPCs (which also have far better connectivity options than something like the Maschine+).

    NI's hardware costs are inflated, which left too much room for Akai to slot a really good product in and split the difference - basically outcompeting both bigger Maschine controllers by occupying a pricing sweet spot in the middle.

    The only reason to get the Maschine MK3 is software preference, and that's hard to do when the One[+] also functions as a standalone. And the Maschine+ is almost universally unjustified due to the $300 higher price point and its history of stability and performance issues. The One is a VERY proven workhorse, at this point. Software preferences are the predominant reason to choose it over Akai. Value is not. People eat the value disparity due to preference.

    I am not sure how they are going to deal with that. Historically, Native Instruments has tried to be the Apple of PC Controller Manufacturers, but I don't think most people seem them in that light.

    Honestly, the same thing has happened in the controller market, with vendors like Arturia and Novation. KK MK3 has had a fairly lukewarm reception, from what I'm seeing, with tons of apprehension in the comments of the YouTube videos that they have sponsored.

    I also find it weird that NI would be stalking and replying to comments/answering questions at a Guy Michelmore (sp?) sponsored video (who I love to watch, BTW), but generally avoids similar types of interactions with users on their own forums (outside of support-type queries/incidents).

  • Vic Angelo
    Vic Angelo Member Posts: 121 Advisor

    The NXS2 is considered better at the moment by many then the 3000s.

    They have a bunch of bugs and read Rekordbox library in a funny way,

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