NKS compatible "Spitfire Audio Plugins" no longer shown in "Komplete Kontrol 3.0"



  • chpiatt
    chpiatt Member Posts: 104 Advisor
    edited June 2024

    I think Kontakt is hot garbage and honestly prefer basically every other player I've seen (Opus, Sine, Musio, Spitfire's dedicated plugins, UVI Falcon, etc.). Best case scenario to me is dedicated player, but with NKS support so I can use it in KK. It just seems to me like more and more developers aren't seeing the value of going this route. Luckily, there's the User Library community which often takes on the work these developers should be doing themselves, but it's not realistic that they cover all of the libraries out there (especially with the rudimentary tools NI has provided end users to make them).

    In my dream world, NI makes NKS into an actual standard that others can build/improve on vs the closed, proprietary thing it is now and makes the SDK generally available so even the user community could use it to make NKS presets. I don't think NI truly appreciates how much people like @Kymeia and others in the User Library community make their software/hardware actually useful.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    I'd agree that NKS should be an open standard, rather than a closed shop - even if there was NKS Compatible / Certified versions, so at least there was some functionality everyone could build.

    The issue with Non-kontakt libraries, is they're often dedicated VST, and developers have to add specific code for the lightguide amongst other things. When some are using Juice, some, like Spitfire Audio build using other tools. Crow Hill & UJAM for instance, use Gorilla SDK. All of these offer fast development of audio tools, but none of them have NKS libraries built in for support from day one (which would be a treat if it were an open format).

    Spitfire's bespoke plugin is built by UsTwo (who I'm seeing in person in July) so I might just ask them when Spitfire are going to get a move on. Considering Spitfire has changed massively since two founders exited, and the new labs is shocking - I don't expect NKS support is high on their list of things to do.

  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    Two founders exited? I was only aware of Christian Henson. Who is the other?

  • Keith Cocker
    Keith Cocker Member Posts: 130 Advisor

    Got it! I also heard he had stared a collaboration with Max Richter.

  • spicemix
    spicemix Member Posts: 74 Member

    Obviously for those who have been following Udio/Suno/Elevenlabs etc, the galaxy that's incoming at near-light speed to collide with the existing virtual instrument galaxy is completely generative AI music. I mean it looks like nothing is going to survive the collision at all. Need 50 cues by next week? You want to corral human musicians for this? Faced with this mortal a threat the two options are to abandon ship and go farm beets or instead improve the product offering to defend it as best one can.

    I favor the latter approach, the times call for dramatic response, and open-sourcing NKS into an industry ecosystem anyone can make software and hardware for, with maybe a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval added by some stuffy bureaucracy if people care, might rekindle interest and stave off some amount of doom. Humans can prefer humans, if it's exciting enough, but it requires a total shift of attitude, from "FTU" customers-are-a-pain to "Wow there's someone actually paying us for this stuff!" which is a startup mentality hard to find in 25 year old amalgamated dinosaur firms.

    Opening up an ecosystem can trigger that sort of enthusiasm because the territorial and ugly are too disempowered to put a swift end to it. It requires someone with enough taste imagination and authority to see it through and I ain't seeing any. "Our answer is…Kompanion!" Good luck.

  • LukDub
    LukDub Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    PS: Sometimes, when the plugin freezes. I disable it and enable track in Cubase to reload this, and it should help.

  • chpiatt
    chpiatt Member Posts: 104 Advisor

    FYI, for anyone having NKS issues with these specific Spitfire libraries, I implemented some fixes for:

    Hope this helps someone. Let me know if you have questions about what to do with these files.

  • chpiatt
    chpiatt Member Posts: 104 Advisor

    It's pretty absurd I'm finding that 90+% of their "NKS-compatible" libraries have some kind of bug in their implementation. Really frustrating given how expensive they are.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru

    I think with them returning to Kontakt somewhat, they might put more effort it - but ultimately, they've been poor on inplementation for the last 12 months or so.

  • Phatnik
    Phatnik Member Posts: 20 Member

    Any news about that problem?
    The non Kontakt instruments show when I search for "Spitfire", but they are not listed under the Spitfire Brand.

  • DanPerezSax
    DanPerezSax Member Posts: 1 Member

    Any word on getting the lightguide to work between BBCSO and Komplete Kontrol mk2? It was working fine for me, but I put in a new computer and downloaded all the current versions of plugins and my DAW, which naturally has led to issues. If I have to roll Komplete Kontrol back to version 2.x I'm happy to, but where would I even find a DL for that?

  • tola1
    tola1 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just to add the the discussion, I am experiencing the same problems: Installing BBCSO Core, but only BBCSO Discovery is shown in Komplete Kontrol. In fact I examined the problem a bit further: the NKS\*.nksf -files that came with the install are somehow faulty. For example I have a file "BBCSO_Core_Percussion_Harp.nksf", so one could assume that the inside the file there are some definitions about this BBCSOCore-Harp -instrument, but in fact the file contains mentions about "BBCSO Discovery - Violins1" -instrument. I don't even have any Discovery-parts installed, so what is this mismatch? Also, Spitfire Audio intall-app says that version "1.7.0" is installed, but all the install-directories and the *.nksf -files mention version "1.5.0" so something is very messed up here. I have informed Spitfires support about this, but I am loosing all hope of getting BBCSO Core to work in Komplete Kontrol. Seriously, version numbers and file contents are all messed up. And I tought I was just missing something when not getting it to work..

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