"Karriem Riggins Drums could not be loaded." error message

LisoBeats Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

When I try to load the "Karriem Riggins Drums" instrument on my MK3 I get a message on the screen on the right to "See Software". Once I open Maschine 2 in Logic it then shows an error message saying "Karriem Riggins Drums could not be loaded."... I noticed that Kontakt 7 isn't an option as an instrument when scrolling through on my MK3. Is that what I need to load the drums through? If so, how do I make that appear on the MK3 instruments list? I've updated Kontakt 7 and Maschine so I don't think that's it. TIA!


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Try this: under Preferences>Plugins enable the toggle that says:

    "Always Use Latest Version of NI Plugs."

    Then run a full rescan just in case.

  • LisoBeats
    LisoBeats Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    That worked! The only thing now is that when I load up Karriem Riggins Drums as an instrument it only inserts the sample of the kit into the first pad... rather than putting all of the different kit sounds on each pad... what do I need to do to fix that??

  • Paul Opp
    Paul Opp Member Posts: 58 Member

    Its a Kontakt Instrument so you use Keyboard mode not pad mode. Change the octave to find the loops and separate samples.

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